P 4310 General Attendance
Regular attendance is essential in providing District students with a high quality of instruction. All school staff, both certified and classified, will have available ten (10) days of leave to be used for sick and/or personal days per school year cumulative to ninety (90) days. Unused leave will be added to the sick/personal leave balance at the end of the year prior to making determination of payment for unused leave.
The District will use the current substitute teacher daily rate as the compensation rate for payment for unused sick days. District Staff may be paid for unused sick leave upon leaving the District on the following schedule:
Retirement 100% of substitute rate for every day accumulated
20 years and up 50% of substitute rate for every day accumulated
10 to 19 years 25% of substitute rate for every day accumulated
Less than 10 years No payment for accumulated days
Sick leave payment upon resignation or dismissal providing employee completes their regular term of employment and notification is received by the District prior to April 15. Continuing employees will be paid the current substitute rate per day at the end of each year for leave above the sick/personal accumulation allowance described above.
If the Board chooses to release the teacher from his/her contract, the teacher will be paid the balance of his/her sick leave, per above schedule, if notification was received prior to May 1.
The superintendent will review and determine excessive absences by employees on a case-by-case basis