Carthage R-9


P 2240 Admission and Tuition - Nonresident Students

Nonresident students may be permitted to attend the District schools upon payment of tuition provided the student is not barred from enrollment by provisions of the Safe Schools Act. (See Policy 2664.)  Tuition rates will be determined annually by the Board of Education on the basis of the per-pupil cost for the preceding year including operation, maintenance, and debt service of the schools.

Within two (2) business days of enrollment in the District by state officials of a nonresident student pursuant to state statute, the Superintendent/designee will request the student's transfer and discipline records from all schools or facilities previously attended and from other state agencies and entities involved in the placement of the student within the twenty-four (24) month period preceding enrollment. The Superintendent/designee is authorized to share relevant portions of such student's transfer and discipline records with District employees who, based upon their duties, have a need to know such information. Such records will be maintained in confidence for purposes of maintaining discipline and for assistance to the student. The student's transfer and discipline records will not be a part of the student's permanent record nor used as the sole basis for denying educational services to a pupil.

Admission of Residents from Unaccredited School Districts

In accordance with Missouri law and Board Regulation, the District will accept transfer students from school districts in its same or adjoining counties that are declared unaccredited by the state of Missouri.

Admission of Students Assigned to Residential Treatment Facilities

The District will provide educational services for students who are domiciled in another school district but have been lawfully placed in a residential treatment facility located in the District.  Such students may reside within a residential treatment facility within the District because of:

  1. Placement arranged by or approved by the Department of Mental Health or the Department of Social Services.
  2. A physician’s order due to a determination of medical necessity for a diagnosed mental illness.

For purposes of this Policy, the domicile of such students is the school district where the students would have been educated but for admission to a facility/program within the District.

The District will pay an amount equal to the average sum produced per student by the local tax effort of the District to the school district where the District domiciled students are placed for treatment for any period of placement exceeding three (3) days. The District will pay this sum directly to the school district within which the facility/program is located.

Where the District is the site of the residential facility program for a student domiciled elsewhere, the District will send a written voucher for payment to that school.  If such voucher is not paid within ninety (90) days, the District will notify DESE.  DESE is required to deduct the voucher sum from any state financial aid due to the domicile district.  DESE will then forward the deducted voucher sum to the District. 

In cases where the placement of a nonresident student under this Policy is in a publicly contracted residential facility, DESE shall pay the District the amount of per-pupil costs which exceed the amount received from the domiciliary district. Any other sums received by the District for serving such students will reduce the balance due.

Where a residential facility located within the District provide residence for three (3) or more students, whose domicile is not within the State of Missouri, such students may be admitted to District programs on a contractual basis between the District and appropriate agency in the domiciliary state.  Such contracts will not place any financial burden on the District, its taxpayers or the State of Missouri.

View Regulation

Board Approved Date: October 16, 2023
Last Updated: October 2023