Carthage R-9


R 1420 Community Use of School Facilities

Use of Buildings

In accordance with the law, buildings may be used for free discussion of public questions and subjects of general public interest, for the meeting of organizations of citizens and for such other civic, social and educational purposes as will not interfere with the use of the building for school purposes. No part of the building is to be used without permission being granted by the Superintendent/designee.

Applications for Use

Applications for the use of the premises shall be made in writing and shall state the date and purpose of the use, and, if an admission charge is to be made, the purpose of raising said funds and such other information as the Superintendent/designee may require. Parent organizations, Scout, educational and other school activity organizations which may be granted use of certain rooms for regular meeting purposes shall not use other rooms in the building to hold meetings or entertainment on other than the regular meeting night unless written application is made for the use of same as provided above.

Any cancellation of reserved dates must be made in writing at least twenty-four hours before the date on which meetings are scheduled. The Superintendent/designee reserves the right to cancel any arrangements for use of buildings upon due notice in advance. Exception: All non-school-related activities scheduled in district facilities will be cancelled without prior notice on weekdays when school is not in session due to inclement weather, and on subsequent weekends; or at any time when walkways and parking lots are hazardous because of ice or snow; unless permission to use the facility is authorized by the building administrator.

Rental Charges

All persons and organizations except parent-teacher organizations, scouts, school groups, may be required to pay a service charge representing the prorated cost of the operation and maintenance of buildings, grounds and equipment in such an amount as the Board may determine from time to time.

All rental payments for use of the building will be due at least twenty-four hours before the date on which the building is to be used. When buildings are rented on Saturday or Sunday, an additional charge over and above the minimum charge may be required. Other payment arrangements may be made with the Superintendent/designee. The Board may waive the fee for special public programs.


  1. Special permission must be received to serve meals.
  2. The sale, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted on School District premises at anytime. Nor shall any person who is in a drunken or intoxicated condition, or who is under the influence of liquor, be permitted on School District premises. The person in charge of the meeting will be held responsible for the enforcement of this rule.
  3. Damage or breakage occurring in any building or grounds on account of the activities of an organization using it as a meeting place shall be paid for by the organization.
  4. No use of equipment shall be granted unless an instructor or employee, approved by the Superintendent/designee, is in charge of the equipment.
  5. Smoking is not permitted on school property.
  6. The use of profane language on school property is not permitted.
  7. A certificate of insurance or hold-harmless agreement shall be provided by the persons organizations using school facilities.
  8. School groups have first priority on use of school facilities. Permits are granted with the understanding that cancellations may be ordered whenever necessary.
  9. The Superintendent/designee may prohibit the use of school facilities by any group which has demonstrated by past performance its inability or unwillingness to respect school properties.
  10. School property will not be used for un-American, sacrilegious or controversial purposes nor for any purpose which is contrary to the aims of the public school system.
  11. No school premises shall be used for the display of fireworks or other hazardous activities.
  12. No raffles, games of chance or questionable schemes for obtaining money shall be permitted.
  13. School buses will not be used for other than school purposes.
  14. Whenever refreshments requiring the use of the cafeteria equipment are contemplated by groups, it shall be necessary to employ some member of the daytime cafeteria staff to supervise the use of cafeteria equipment.
  15. Applications for use of school facilities must be made five (5) days in advance and must be signed by a responsible citizen of the Carthage School District who is 21 years of age or over. Applicant is to attend meeting and is responsible for the observance of rules applicable to use of building, grounds and equipment.

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Board Approved Date: March 2008
Last Updated: March 2008