Carthage R-9

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R 2830 Health Services

Head Lice

In keeping with the Carthage R-9 School District's philosophy of avoiding the unnecessary exclusion of students from school, the district will not exclude otherwise healthy students from school due to non-viable nit infestations (nits greater than 1/4" from the scalp). Students with active infestations (live lice or nits found within 1/4" of the scalp) will be excluded from school only to the minimum extent necessary for treatment. It will be the responsibility of the school nurse or designated trained personnel to recommend a student's removal from school, if warranted.

Effective head lice control is based on a high standard of education, prevention and accountability for parents, students and staff. The school nurse will provide education programs
regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of head lice for staff, students and parents. Routine head checks for non-symptomatic students are not recommended and, therefore, routine school wide or classroom head lice screenings will not be performed.

When a member of the school staff suspects a student may have head lice, the student will be referred to the school nurse or trained designated personnel.

Identification of Head Lice:


Non-Viable Nits Only:

Live Lice/Viable Nits:

Procedures for Cleaning Blood and/or Body Fluids

Many infectious agents can be found in the blood or body fluids of humans. This includes individuals with no outward signs or symptoms of infection. It is therefore very important that all District personnel adopt routine procedures for handling the cleanup of all blood/body-fluid spills. The procedures, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control, are as follows:

  1. If available, absorbent floor-sweeping material should be used to cover fluids to keep them from spreading.
  2. Vinyl or latex gloves should be worn, and all spills should be cleaned up with absorbent towels or tissues, using soap and water.
  3. All surfaces that have been in contact with the fluids should then be wiped with a disinfectant. Any EPA-approved disinfectant (i.e., Lysol, etc.) can be used. A 1:10 dilution of household bleach can also be used. This solution should not be mixed in advance. After the disinfectant is applied, the surface should either be allowed to air dry, or else to remain wet for ten (10) minutes before being dried with a disposable towel or tissue.
  4. If the gloves worn to clean up the spill are reusable, they should be washed with soap and running water prior to removal. Disposable gloves should be removed without soiling the hands, and should be disposed of in an impermeable plastic bag. Whether or not any contamination occurs, the hands should always be thoroughly washed with soap and water after the gloves are removed.
  5. If the person doing the cleaning has any open skin lesions, precautions should be taken to avoid direct exposure of the lesions to the body fluids.
  6. After exposure to body fluids, good HANDWASHING should consist of thorough use of soap and water for at least fifteen (15) seconds.
  7. It is necessary to keep one or more clean-up kits on hand for such spills. The clean-up kit should consist of the following items:
    1. Absorbent floor-sweeping material
    2. Liquid soap
    3. Disinfectant
    4. Small buckets
    5. Vinyl or latex gloves
    6. Disposable towels or tissues
    7. Impermeable plastic bags
    8. All of these materials should be kept together in one or more central locations.

CAUTION: The diluted bleach disinfectant solution, if used, should not be used for any other purpose than the cleanup described above. Mixing this solution with certain other chemicals can produce a toxic gas. Also, any EPA-approved disinfectant used should be diluted according to manufacturer's instructions. It is not appropriate or necessary to add more disinfectant than the directions indicate. Doing so will make the disinfectant more toxic and could result in skin or lung damage to those individuals using it.

View Policy

Board Approved Date: May 2009
Last Updated: May 2009