Centralia R-VI


P 4131 Extra Duty and Extended Duty Contracts

All staff members are expected to perform reasonable duties over and above their regular responsibilities when the district determines that such additional work is necessary to supervise student, monitor an event, assist in an emergency situation or otherwise further the district’s education mission.  For example, employees may be assigned to sell tickets for extracurricular events or supervise students at district activities as part of their regular job duties.

The Board directs the district administrative staff to carefully plan for staffing needs in advance, equitably distribute duties among qualified staff members when possible, and avoid situations where the district is obligated to pay overtime compensation when possible.

The district expects all employees to act professionally in all of their duties, regardless of whether it is the employee’s regular position or an extra duty and regardless of whether the employee is compensated an additional amount for the duty.  An employee’s actions while performing an extra-duty position will be included in the employee’s regular performance evaluation and may be used to determine the employee’s suitability for continued employment in the district in any capacity.

Certificated employees may be contracted to provide sponsorship and coaching duties as recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board.  Compensation for such positions will be provided in accordance with a Board approved extra duty salary schedule.

Certificated employees may be contracted for additional days beyond the regular contract period. Compensation for such extended duty will be calculated on the existing salary schedule. The Board may establish a separate salary schedule for summer school assignments.

Assignment to extra duty, extended duty and summer school is for one (1) year only and may be renewed or eliminated annually upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and at the discretion of the Board.

Last Updated: September 2018