Crawford County R-II School District Board Policies


P 2865 Head Lice Control

All students found to have evidence of a head lice infestation (lice or nits) will be excluded from school attendance until treatment with a pediculicidal product and all nits have been removed.

Parents will be given material that explains the reason for exclusion, methods to treat the infestation on the hair and in the home. There are several products on the market for treating head lice. As long as the child is treated and returned to school without evidence of nits, they will not be required to see a physician. There are some head lice treatments that require a physician’s prescription but that will be the parents’ choice. The child will be examined on the return to school. Any evidence of nits will require exclusion. A log will be kept and those children who have been excluded and returned to school will be re-examined in seven (7) to ten (10) days to insure that they remain free of infestation.

Board Approved Date: September 01, 1998
Last Updated: September 1998