For purposes of Board policies and regulations homeless students include students under age twenty- one (21) who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence and include students who:
School Selection
Parents, guardians, or unaccompanied youth will be informed of the homeless student’s right to remain in the school of origin. For purposes of this policy, the school of origin means the school that the student last attended when permanently housed, or the school where the student was last enrolled including preschool. In determining the best interest of the student, the Board will consider:
The District will provide a written explanation, including the right to appeal to the student or parent/guardian if, the Board sends the student to a school other than the school of origin or the school requested by the parent/guardian.
A homeless student will be enrolled without undue or unreasonable delay. A homeless student will be enrolled even if their previous academic records, immunization records, proof of residence, or other documents are not immediately available. The District will ensure that homeless students, meeting eligibility standards, do not face barriers in accessing academic and extracurricular activities.
The District will, upon parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth request, provide transportation to and from the school of origin as follows:
Parents, guardians and unaccompanied youth will be fully informed of all transportation services, including transportation to and from the school of origin, and are assisted in accessing transportation services.
Homeless Liaison
The Board of Education has appointed _the Elementary Guidance Counselor_ as liaison for homeless students. The responsibilities of the liaison will include, but not be limited to:
All school personnel, District service providers and locally known advocates working with homeless families will be informed of the identity of the Homeless Liaison and the Homeless Liaison duties.
Disputes Over School Selection or Enrollment in a School
If a dispute arises over school selection or enrollment in a school the following protocols will apply:
Dispute Resolution
Level I - A complaint regarding eligibility, school selection, enrollment or barriers to attending classes and participating in school activities of a homeless child shall first be presented orally and informally to the District's educational liaison for homeless children. If the complaint is not promptly resolved, the complainant may present a formal written complaint (grievance) to the educational liaison. The written charge must include the following: date of filing, description of alleged grievances, the name of the person or persons involved and a recap of the action taken during the informal charge stage. Within five (5) working days after receiving the complaint, the liaison shall state a decision in writing to the complainant, with supporting evidence and reasons. In addition, the liaison will inform the Superintendent of the formal complaint and the disposition.
Level II - Within five (5) working days after receiving the decision at Level I, the complainant may appeal the decision to the Superintendent by filing a written appeals package. This package shall consist of the complainant's grievance and the decisions rendered at Level I. The Superintendent will arrange for a personal conference with the complainant at their earliest mutual convenience. Within five (5) working days after receiving the complaint, the Superintendent shall state a decision in writing to the complainant, with supporting evidence and reasons.
Level III - If resolution is not reached in Level II, a similar written appeals package shall be directed through the Superintendent to the Board of Education requesting a hearing before the Board at the next regularly scheduled or specially called meeting. The hearing before the Board may be conducted in closed session upon the request of either the Board or the complainant. Within thirty (30) working days after receiving the appeals package, the Board shall state its decision and reply in writing to the parties involved. For District purposes, the decision of the Board of Education is final.
Level IV – If the complainant is dissatisfied with the action taken at Level III, the Complainant may appeal the decision to the State Education Agency point of contact. Such appeal must be in writing and filed within five (5) days of Level III decision, and including:
The appeal letter must be submitted to the State point of contact as well as the District’s Superintendent.
Policy Dissemination
Copies of the Board of Education's Policy on Homeless Students will be presented to the County Welfare Office, County Office of the Division of Employment Security, the Juvenile Officer and to local law enforcement authorities.
Homeless students will be identified by referrals from community organizations and District personnel and by review of the District's enrollment forms.