
R 0411 Meeting Agenda

Order of Business

The President of the Board, upon taking the chair, shall call the members to order, on the appearance of a quorum. The order of business shall be as follows, unless changed by the President:

  1. Call to Order

  2. Announcements

  3. Citizen Comments

  4. Approval of Previous Minutes

  5. Superintendent's Reports and Recommendations

  6. Other Items

  7. Adjournment

Parliamentary Procedure

In all matters not covered by the Rules of the Board, parliamentary procedure shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.

Vote of Member

Unless excused every member present shall vote on all questions, and no member shall leave before the close of the session without permission of the president. Members participating electronically in a non-emergency meeting may not participate in a roll call vote. However, if the meeting is required due to a bona fide emergency, and if the nature of the emergency is stated on the record, members participating in the emergency meeting by electronic means, including telephone, may participate in a roll call vote.

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Last Updated: January 2003