Hallsville R-IV


P 3330 Bonded Indebtedness

Bonded Indebtedness/Lease Purchase

The question of contracting a bonded indebtedness for the purpose of erecting or furnishing school buildings or purchasing school sites may be submitted by the Board to the voters at an election called for that purpose. Before a bond issue election, specific needs for facilities shall be made clear to the general public, and estimates shall be made as to the amounts required for the sites, buildings and equipment. In addition the Board may provide for payment of such projects from operating revenues through the use of lease purchase financing.

Following approval by the voters, the disposition of the bonded indebtedness will be in accordance with state statutes.

General Funds

Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board may make provisions for minor capital outlay projects from the proceeds of current revenue in the adopted budget.

View Regulation

Board Approved Date: September, 1999
Last Updated: September 1999