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P 0360 Board Committees

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The Board may appoint committees to assist it in carrying out the Board's responsibilities. However, the Board may not delegate those functions which, by law, must be exercised by the Board of Education.

Committee Guidelines

  1. Committees created by the Board of Education will be assigned specific tasks to be performed and will be assigned a specific time frame within which to accomplish assigned tasks.

  2. Upon completion of these tasks or upon expiration of the time allotted, the committee will be dissolved unless extended by the Board.

  3. Reports of Board committees may be made in written form or be presented verbally at a Board meeting at the discretion of the Board.
Committee Meetings

Meetings of committees appointed by the Board or at the Board's direction including advisory committees appointed for the specific purpose of recommending policy, policy revisions, expenditures of public funds to the Board or to the Superintendent will comply with the notice and open meeting provision applicable to Board of Education meetings. The District's custodian of records will maintain a current list of such advisory committees.

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Last Updated: January 2003