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P 4310 General Attendance

Consistent contact with students and staff is important to the learning environment and district operation and therefore is an essential duty of any district employee's position. When a district employee is routinely tardy, frequently absent, or is absent for an extended period of time, the learning environment and district operations deteriorate, and the students suffer.

District employees must request and receive approval using the Absence Request Form at least 48 hours in advance of the start of any absence or tardiness. If the need to be absent or tardy is not reasonably foreseeable or is due to an emergency, an employee must contact his or her supervisor or building principal as soon as practicable.

District employees may be terminated for excessive absences or tardiness. Unless otherwise authorized by the Board or the Superintendent or otherwise authorized by law, an employee's absence or tardiness is considered excessive if it:

  1. Is for a reason not granted as paid or protected leave under Board policy or regulations.
  2. Exceeds the number of days allotted by the Board for that particular leave.
  3. Is for a reason authorized by Board policy but exceeds 3 consecutive days, 5 days per semester, or 12 days per school year.
  4. Exceeds 3 consecutive days.

The Superintendent or designee will review each incident of excessive absence and may require the employee to provide medical documentation or may consider disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

No employee will be disciplined or terminated for absences qualifying for protection under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or other applicable law.

Last Updated: January 2019