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P 4320 Personnel Leave

District employees will have Paid Personal Leave available for use for sick, vacation, or personal leave. This leave will be granted as follows and may accumulate to no more than 90 days, leave in excess of 90 days will be paid out at a rate of $50/day:

Certificated Staff

• Teachers - 1 O days per year

• Principal/Assistant Principal - 11 days per year

• Superintendent - 12 days per year

Support Staff

• Paraprofessionals/Cook/Nurse - 9 days

• Secretary - 1 O days

• Technology Director - 1 O days

• Bookkeeper/12-month Custodians - 12 days

Additionally, each certificated employee will be granted 3 paid opportunities per year to leave one hour early (2:30 p.m.) for dental or doctor visits. The employee is responsible for securing a certificated teacher to cover their class during that time.

District employees may not take unpaid leave except when authorized by district policy or regulation or law.

No employee will be disciplined or terminated for absences qualifying for protection under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or other applicable law.

The district may require an employee to present a certification of fitness to return to work whenever the employee is absent from work due to the employee's health.

Upon separation from employment, an employee who resigns or retires is authorized to receive reimbursement for any Paid Personal Leave accumulated up to 90 days, at a rate of 3% x years of service (not to exceed 25 years). For example, an employee has been with the district for 10 years with a daily rate of pay of $200.00; $200.00 X number of unused Paid Personal Leave days (ex. 40) = $8,000.00; 3% X 10 = 30%; 30% of $8,000 = $2,400.00.

The Board of Education will adopt specific provisions for various types of district leave, including Paid Personal Leave, Bereavement Leave, Leave for Jury Duty, Military Leave, Election Leave, and Family and Medical Leave. There may be other types of leave available to district employees under state and federal law. These specific provisions are described in Regulations 4320 and 4321.

View Regulation

Last Updated: January 2019