
P 5625 Transportation Ridership

The Marshfield R-I School District hereby defines “ridership” as any student who is regularly riding the school bus, that is, once a week from the start of the 1st semester to the second Wednesday of October, and once a week from the start of the 2nd semester to the second Wednesday of February, to school or would be riding, if not for an extra-curricular season that temporarily (for the length of the season) causes the student to not be able to ride the bus.  Those extra-curricular students that normally ride the bus except for the season length will be added to the ridership list.

District ridership will be determined, per state guidelines, on the second Wednesday of October and February, by providing a list of those students eligible to be counted for the ridership count.  This count will be turned in on the annual Transportation Aide Application.

Last Updated: October 2016