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R 1440 Research Requests

The following steps must be taken by the researcher:

  1. Obtain a copy of the District's policy statement on research requests.
  2. Present a letter of introduction and authentication from the responsible official (i.e. department chairman or above) of an institution of higher education or a professional organization along with evidence of approval by the sponsoring institution's Human Subjects Committee, Institutional Review Board, or comparable committee.
  3. Submit a copy of the research proposal to include an outline of the research design, copies of the instruments to be used, and an outline or summary of techniques and procedures to be used in the study, including an anticipated date the District can expect a report of the findings.
  4. Obtain approval by the Superintendent/designee.
  5. Obtain approval from the principal(s) of the school (s) to be involved so that the District will be assured that data collecting will not in any way disrupt ongoing school programs.
  6. Obtain written permission from parents of children to be directly involved.
  7. Sign an agreement using the form provided by the Superintendent's office (copyattached).

___ Has the investigator observed the following agreements?

___ Submitted a letter of introduction providing evidence of sponsorship by a faculty member of an institution of higher education or professional organization.

___ Obtained the Superintendent's approval of the District's participation.

___ Submitted a copy of the research design, (three (3) pages or less) sample tests, questionnaires, interview guides and descriptions of materials, techniques and procedures to be used in the study.

___ Provided written approval of the principal(s) whose school(s) are to be involved which assures that data collecting will not in any way disrupt existing school programs.

___ Provided evidence that parents' permission has been secured for students directly involved as subjects

___ Submitted a definite date, not later than one month after conclusion of data gathering, for a preliminary report to the Superintendent on progress and findings to date, and a subsequent deadline for the final report.

___ Assured that, at the conclusion of the study, a report of findings and interpretation will be provided to the Superintendent and copies sent to the principal of each participating school and the Office of Curriculum and Instruction.

Superintendent of Schools Investigator


Principal Institution


The investigator should obtain appropriate signatures, keep one copy, and return a copy of this agreement with one copy of the proposal to the Superintendent of Schools.

View Policy

Last Updated: May 2018