The District assures that it will comply with:
The District shall appoint an administrator(s) to assure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. A District may designate only one employee to serve as both the Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator. In that case, the individual must assume the responsibilities of both coordinators. Those responsibilities are outlined in Regulation 1310.
It is the policy of the District to process all grievances in a fair and expeditious manner, with the intent of resolving them in a mutually agreeable manner. Regulation 1310 provides mechanisms for the resolution of grievances/complaints by employees, patrons and/or students relating to discrimination under Section 504 and Title IX.
This policy and the corresponding regulation do not pertain to the identification, evaluation or placement of students under Section 504. The topics of the identification, evaluation and placement of students under Section 504 are addressed in the following separate District policies and regulations: Policy and Regulation 2110 - Equal Education Opportunity, and Policy and Regulation 6250 - Instruction for Students with Disabilities.
For issues pertaining to freedom from harassment, refer to Policy and Regulation 2130 - Harassment, and Policy and Regulation 4810 - Sexual Harassment.