Pemiscot Co. R-III


P 5130 Energy Conservation Measures

The conservation measures outlined below should be emphasized at the beginning of each heating season. School principals should advise students and staff of the conservation measures that are being implemented. The cooperation of all concerned will be necessary to make this conservation program successful. Continued emphasis on the need to conserve energy is necessary.

During the Heating Season

  1. All thermostats have a variance of +/- 3 degrees that may be controlled in each classroom; please adjust to a comfortable setting. The HVAC system is set to come on early in the morning to allow time for each classroom to achieve the programmed temperature. The system changes to an unoccupied set point of 60 degrees after school hours.
  2. Pay particular attention to door and window closures to reduce heat costs.

During the Cooling Season

  1. All thermostats have a variance of +/- 3 degrees that may be controlled in each classroom; please adjust to a comfortable setting. The HVAC system is set to come on early in the morning to allow time for each classroom to achieve the programmed temperature. The system changes to an unoccupied set point of 80 degrees after school hours.


  1. Reduce interior hall lighting by 50 percent at all times. Insure that classroom lights are out when not in use. Night custodial staff will use minimum lighting necessary to accomplish tasks.
  2. If a special hardship is sustained by an activity, the building principal may make an exception to this regulation.
  3. Drivers of public school vehicles are reminded of the State Air Pollution Control Board regulation which prohibits the running of vehicle engines for more than three minutes when the vehicle is parked, except when the engine provides auxiliary service other than for heating or air conditioning. Fuel economy is enhanced by eliminating unnecessary engine idling when idle time exceeds one minute.

View Regulation

Last Updated: March 2013