Pemiscot Co. Special School District


R 2750 Wellness

  1. Advisory Committee
    A district-wide Nutrition & Physical Activity Advisory Committee will be established. The Committee would meet a minimum of two times annually. Any existing School Health Advisory Council will serve as the nucleus for the Committee. The Committee will include members as specified by law. Responsibility of the Nutrition & Physical Activity Advisory Council may include, but not be limited to, oversight of the following:
  2. The Nutrition & Physical Activity Advisory Committee will be responsible for preparing a report that includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
  3. Student Nutrition
    The School Breakfast/Lunch Programs:
    • The full meal school breakfast and lunch programs will continue to follow the USDA Requirements for Federal School Meals Programs.
    • The School Food Service Program will follow the District's Nutrition Standards when determining the items in a la carte and "competitive foods" sales.
    • The Food and Service Director must work closely with the Nutrition & Physical Activity Advisory Committee.
    Cafeteria Environment:
    • A cafeteria environment that provides students with a relaxed, enjoyable climate that shall be developed
    • The cafeteria is a place where students have:
      • Adequate space to eat in clean, pleasant surroundings
      • Adequate time to eat meals
      • Convenient access to hand washing or hand sanitizing facilities before meals
    • When possible recess time will be provided for elementary students before lunch.
    All fundraising projects for sale and consumption of food items within and prior to the instructional day will follow the District's Nutrition Standards when determining the items being sold.
  4. Student Nutrition Education:

    The District has a comprehensive approach to nutrition in Kindergarten through 12th grade. All K-12 instructional staff will be encouraged to integrate nutritional themes into daily lessons when appropriate. The health benefits of good nutrition should be emphasized. Lessons will focus on skills and positive aspects of healthy eating. The district nutrition policy reinforces nutrition education to help students practice these themes in a supportive school environment.

    Parent Nutrition Education:

    Nutrition education may be provided in the forms of handouts, postings on the district website, articles and information provided in district or school newsletters, presentations that focus on nutritional value and healthy lifestyles, and through any other appropriate means available for reaching parents.

    Staff Nutrition & Physical Activity Education:

    Nutrition and physical activity education opportunities will be provided to all schools staff at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. These educational opportunities may include, but not be limited to, the distribution of educational and informational materials and the arrangement of presentations and workshops that focus on nutritional and healthy lifestyles, health assessments, fitness activities, and other appropriate nutrition and physical activity-related topics.

  5. District Nutrition Standards

    The District strongly encourages the sale or distribution of nutrient dense foods for all school functions and activities. Nutrient dense foods are those foods that provide students with calories rich in the nutrient content needed to be healthy. In an effort to support the consumption of nutrient dense foods in the school setting, the district has adopted the following nutrition standards governing the sale of food, beverage, and candy on school grounds. Schools are encouraged to study these standards and develop building policy using the following District Nutrition Standards as minimal guidelines.


    • Encourage the consumption of nutrient dense foods, i.e. WHOLE GRAINS, FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, and DAIRY PRODUCTS.
    • Any given food item for sale prior to the start of the school day and throughout the instructional day, will have no more than 35% of its total calories derived from fat.
    • Any given food item for sale prior to the start of the school day and throughout the instructional day, will generally have no more than 10% of its total calories derived from saturated fat.
    • Nuts and seeds with minimal added fat in processing (no more than 3 grams of added fat per 1.75 ounce or less package size) are exempt from these standards because they are nutrient dense and contain high levels of monounsaturated fat.


    • Candy is defined as any processed food item that has:
      1. Sugar (including brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, fructose, glucose (dextrose), high fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, table sugar (sucrose), syrup) is listed as one of the first two ingredients
      2. Sugar is more than 35% of the item by weight.
    • Vending sales of candy will not be permitted on school grounds.
    • Non-vending sales of candy will be permitted ONLY at the conclusion of the instructional school day
  6. Student Physical Activity

    District Physical Activity Goal:

    The District shall provide physical activity and physical education opportunities that provides students with the knowledge and skills to lead a physically active lifestyle. The District shall utilize the following Implementation Strategies:

    1. Physical education classes and physical activity opportunities will be available to all students.
    2. Physical activity opportunities shall be offered daily before school, during school (recess), or after school.
    3. As recommended by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), school leaders of physical activity and physical education shall guide students through a process that will enable them to achieve and maintain a high level of personal fitness through the following:
      • Expose youngsters to a wide variety of physical activities
      • Teach physical skills to help maintain a lifetime of health and fitness
      • Encourage self-monitoring so youngsters can see how active they are and set their own goals
      • Individualize intensity of activities
      • Focus feedback on process of doing your best rather than on product
      • Be active role models
    4. Introduce developmentally appropriate components of a health-related assessment to the students at an early age to prepare them for future assessments.
    5. Physical education classes shall be sequential, building from year to year, and content will include movement, personal fitness, and personal and social responsibility. Students should be able to demonstrate competency through application of knowledge, skill, and practice.

View Policy

Board Approved Date: November 12, 2015
Last Updated: November 2005