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P 2656 Student Cell Phone/Electronic Device Usage

Amendment to page 14 of Plato Student Handbook:

Cell phones and other electronic devices are a prevalent part of today’s culture. Technological advances have made communication and entertainment options more efficient, compact, and faster than ever before. In a combined effort between students, parents, and school, we have a collective responsibility to teach and learn about digital citizenship and the proper use and appropriate etiquette for cell phones and other electronic devices. Teachers may incorporate the use of such devices in order to enhance the instructional process. At the same time, we must preserve and emphasize the importance of instructional time. The inappropriate and improper use of cell phones and other electronic devices causes a disruption to teaching and learning. The purpose of this policy is to afford a measure of privilege and responsibility to students, at the same time that it demonstrates a serious response to the abuse of that privilege and responsibility. As a privilege for all middle school and high school students, the use of cell phones and electronic devices are permitted before school (prior to 8:05 a.m. bell) and after school (following the 3:26 a.m. bell). Additionally, high school students may use cell phones and electronic devices during the scheduled lunch period. Middle school students may NOT use cell phones or electronic devices during lunch unless identified through the positive behavior program. Cell phone and electronic device usage must take place in approved lunch areas (i.e. cafeteria, library, and new gym). Cell phones may not be used during classroom instructional time without obtaining permission from the classroom teacher. Students may NOT use cell phones/electronic devices at any time during the day to take pictures, record videos, or record audio.

Students who use cell phones and/or electronic devices inappropriately during class time or passing times (between classes) are in violation of this policy, and will be subject to consequences. The Plato School District will not be responsible for personal electronic devices that are lost, stolen, or damaged. Additionally, the Plato School District will not be responsible for any costs that are incurred due to student data usage. The owner of the electronic device is responsible for the device and usage, which includes allowing someone else to use the device. In this case, all students involved would receive discipline according to the discipline code.

The possession of laser pointers and other unsafe electronic items are prohibited in the school buildings. All other devices, such as, but not limited to, cellular phones, SmartWatches, pagers, PDA’s, headphones, iPods/MP3 players may be in the student's possession as long as they are not disruptive to the educational process or in violation of the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

Cell Phone/Electronic Device Discipline

Amendment to page 29, 30, 31 of Plato Student Handbook:

30. Cell Phone/Electronic Device:

Class 1: Inappropriate Use of Electronic Devices: Notification to law enforcement officials. Meets the definition for Class 2 Inappropriate Use of Electronic Devices, and the event that is recorded, published or displayed is “confidential.” A “confidential” recording includes, but is not limited to a recording of faculty, staff, students or other persons which is taken in a location where the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a restroom, locker room or other location in or around school premises, during or in conjunction with an extra-curricular or school activity which is an image of a portion of the person’s body over which the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

First Offense: 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, notification to law enforcement officials and documentation in the student’s discipline record.

Second Offense: 1-180 days out-of-school suspension, notification to law enforcement officials and documentation in the student’s discipline record.

Subsequent Offense: Expulsion, notification to law enforcement officials and documentation in the student’s discipline record.

Class 2: Inappropriate Use of Electronic Devices: Defined as the act of using an electronic device to record, publish or display audio or visual images of events involving faculty, staff or other students in or around school premises, without prior approval of school personnel, and the event that is recorded, published or displayed is NOT “confidential.” The prohibited conduct includes such things as audio or visual recording of faculty or staff in the classroom; acts of violence; disruptions to the school environment; or, other acts prohibited by the District’s Student Handbook.

First Offense: 1-5 days of after school detention, Saturday school, or academic reassignment.

Second Offense: 1-5 days of out-of-school suspension.

Subsequent Offense: 1-10 days of out-of-school suspension.

Class 3: Inappropriate Cell Phone/Electronic Device Use: This policy will be violated if the device is turned on or used during the school day, unless authorized by a classroom teacher or used in a designated area/time. The “use” of a device will occur if the device is in the “on” position and/or if voice, text, photo or video messaging takes place during the school day. The District is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen devices.

First Offense: Device confiscated and turned into the middle/high school office for student pick-up at the end of the school day. Parental notification by office.

Second Offense: Device confiscated and turned into the middle/high school office for student pick-up at the end of the school day. Parental notification by office. One day of after school detention.

Third Offense: Device confiscated and turned into the middle/high school office for student pick-up at the end of the school day. Parental notification by office. Two days of after school detention.

Subsequent Offense: Device confiscated and turned into the office for parent pick-up. Parent notification by office. Student will be assigned Saturday School.

Last Updated: January 2017