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R 2310 Student Attendance

When students are absent, parents/guardians need to call the respective office. If the office is not contacted, school personnel will contact parents/guardians. In this matter, the concern of the school is every student's well-being. Being absent over fifteen minutes will result in a recorded absence. In the event that a student will be absent for more than eight days due to medical reasons, please contact the school as soon as circumstances are known.

Upon a student's return to school following an absence, an admit slip must be obtained from the office before attending class.

Middle School/High School Students

Students are allowed 8 days (in the Middle School or High School 8 periods of any specific class) of absences per semester. There is not any defined excused absence.

Students who are absent for more than eight days (or eight period in any specific class) per semester will be required to attend Saturday School OR after-school tutoring for the equivalent time missed after the eight allowable absences per semester. Upon the ninth absence, the student's parents shall be notified that the students will need to make up any hours over the eight hours allowed by attending Saturday School or after-school tutoring. Saturday Schools are from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and equal one full day (seven periods) of 'make-up' time. After-school tutoring is from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and equals one period of 'make-up' time. Upon this notification, the parent/guardians will have the option to choose either Saturday School or after-school tutoring for their child. All credit for the classes affected by the attendance violation will be withheld until completion of the Saturday School assignment or after-school tutoring. Upon the ninth absence in any one class, the Juvenile Office will be contacted regarding excessive absenteeism.

Students attending Vo-Tech and/or students participating in extra-curricular activities must have excessive absences (absences over eight periods in any specific class) made up before being allowed to participate in the next activity, event, competition, or attend Vo-Tech courses the following semester. Students will be provided regularly scheduled Saturday School(s) prior to participation restriction.

Absences by a student exceeding eight days (or eight periods in any specific class) in one semester and not made up in Saturday School or after-school tutoring shall cause the student to be notified of placement in Summer School (if Summer School is available). The guidelines for placement in Summer School are as follows:

If Saturday School(s) or after-school tutoring have not been completed after the 8 allowable absences per semester have been exceeded, the student will be assigned one day of Summer School for each absence over the eight day allowance per semester.

Students must attend all assigned Summer School classes and maintain appropriate behavior standards. Any student, who does not properly complete a Summer School assignment, will not earn credit for classes affected by the attendance violation.

If Summer School is NOT AVAILABLE, arrangements will be made for the student to 'make-up' the necessary time in another way.

After notification of Saturday School assignment, after-school tutoring, or Summer School assignment; the student and parents/guardians may file an appeal in writing within five (5) days of the notice with the appropriate principal. Upon receipt of the appeal request, the Appeals Committee shall then set a hearing date for the purpose of consideration of the applicant's appeal. This committee shall consist of:

The decision of the Appeals Committee may be appealed to the Superintendent;
The decision of the Superintendent may be appealed to the Board of Education.

Students who transfer from other schools will have absences transferred and applied to the attendance regulation at Plato R-V Schools.

Out-of-school suspensions will not count against the eight allowable absences but no schoolwork during the suspension will be allowed to be made up unless the student attends Saturday School for the equivalent time missed due to the suspension. The suspended student is responsible for any and all educational information given by the teachers during the suspension period.

Seniors must make up all excessive absences before graduation or they will not be permitted to participate in graduation exercises. Extenuating circumstances may be presented to the Appeals Committee for possible Summer School or Saturday School attendance. Diplomas will not be awarded until all attendance requirements are met.

Elementary School Students

When an Elementary School student (Grade K-5) misses more than ten days in a semester, the absences are considered excessive. When an Elementary School student accumulates five absences, the office will send an attendance letter home detailing the regulation/policy; another letter will be sent home after eight absences. The “Eight Absence Letter” is to remind parents/guardians that absences are nearing excessive. After notification of an Elementary School student being absent for ten days during a semester, a parent/guardian may file a written appeal within five days of the “Ten Absence Letter”. Upon receipt of the appeal request, the appeals committee will set a date for the purpose of consideration of the students appeal. The committee shall consist of:

The decision of the Appeals Committee may be appealed to the Superintendent;
The decision of the Superintendent may be appealed to the Board of Education.

Extreme absences may result in a student being a candidate for retention and/or a referral to the Juvenile Office.

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Last Updated: March 2003