The Board of Education directs that medical group insurance coverage for eligible staff members will be provided. Newly hired non-certified employees determined to be non-exempt by FLSA classification shall become eligible to be a participant in the benefit plan on the first day of the month following the sixtieth day after commencing active work with the district.
Generally, newly hired certified full-time exempt staff members are eligible on September 1 of the current school year.
The Superintendent/designee will solicit proposals and make recommendations to the Board for approval of the insurance provider.
Employees shall be given infom1ation regarding COBRA benefits at the times of employment and separation, in accordance with law.
The contract for medical insurance will be submitted for competitive bidding at least once every three years. For purposes of this policy competitive bidding means public notice of the request for medical insurance bids and the provision of information about district participants, claims history, and the details of the District's existing health insurance policy and proposed modifications.
Any district health insurance contract or plan shall include a provision allowing persons who retire from the district to remain or become members of the plan if they are eligible to receive benefits under the Public School Retirement System of Missouri (PSRS) or the Public Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri (PEERS). In addition, the retiree's spouse and children must be allowed to become members of the plan if they are receiving or are eligible to receive benefits 1mder the PSRS or PEERS. Unless otherwise required by law or agreement, retirees and their spouses and children who enroll must timely pay the full cost of the premiums in accordance with District procedures. Retirees and their spouses and children will have one year from the date of retirement to qualify and enroll in the coverage. Once that date has passed, if a retiree or his or her spouse or children discontinue district coverage, they are not eligible to re-enroll (unless the retiree returns to full-time employment with the district).