Sedalia School District 200


P 1735 Public Solicitations/Advertising in District Facilities

Community businesses and groups provide important support to the District’s schools. Like all citizens of the community, they contribute to the excellence of the District’s educational programs. The District has adopted this Regulation to regulate certain types of non-school advertisements on school property. The District may designate certain areas on its property to provide for the distribution of advertising materials by community businesses and organizations. The District may also license advertising space in specified locations, on a fee basis, when the District chooses to do so.

This Regulation will apply to all profit-making entities and non-profit and community service organizations, which will be referred to as “Outside Entities.” Advertising of any kind by Outside Entities on District property must comply with all rules set forth below and with applicable federal and state laws.

Advertising on District property by Outside Entities is subject to the following rules:


  1. The District will enforce content-based restrictions that are viewpoint-neutral, as permitted by law, with respect to all Outside Entity advertising at the District. However, the District retains the right, at all times and at its discretion, to close any of its property, including parts thereof, to advertising by Outside Entities.
  2. Each school building and the site upon which each building sits (e.g., parking lots, athletic fields, etc.) are considered to be separate locations under this Regulation.
  3. The District prohibits Outside Entities’ advertising relating to controversial topics and matters that it deems to be inconsistent with, or that adversely affects, one or more of the following: (1) federal, state, and local laws; (2) the District’s educational mission or process; and/or (3) District policies and regulations. Moreover, Outside Entities’ advertising involving or connoting matters or issues that, in the opinion of District administrators, may foreseeably disrupt or detract from the District’s educational purpose will also be rejected. Examples of prohibited advertisements include, but are not limited to, drug-related, tobacco and alcohol products, tavern/bar services, prescription drugs (regardless of type), adult-oriented materials, matters of a sexual nature, nudity or sexual suggestiveness, profanity, religious messages or symbolism (regardless of viewpoint), family planning-related advertisements (regardless of viewpoint), political messages (regardless of viewpoint); weaponry-related items, advertisements for products that are illegal for minors to possess and/or view, and materials that could impair the health, safety, or well-being of District students.
  4. Outside Entities are not permitted to circumvent this Regulation by enlisting District students to post materials that would otherwise fall within this


  1. The term “posting” shall refer to materials that are either placed on a wallboard/bulletin board (or similar space) or placed on a table so that such materials may be picked-up by students of the District or others. Thus, the term “posting” includes not only tacking advertisements to wallboards/bulletin boards, but also, also, the distribution by Outside Entities of advertising materials, documents, and flyers.
  2. The principal of each school building (or administrator in-charge of a District facility other than a school) may, at his/her discretion, establish a location or locations at which Outside Entities’ materials may be posted, which will permit students or others to take a copy of Outside Entities’ material from that location. The location(s) of posting shall be set so that the posting of the advertising materials will not impede either automobile or student pedestrian traffic or interfere with the operation of the school building Outside Entities will be confined to the posting of materials only at that location(s)
  3. Similarly, the principal of each school (or administrator in-charge of a School District facility other than a school) may, at his/her discretion, designate one or more bulletin boards or other wallboards upon which Outside Entities’ advertising materials may be posted. Postings shall occur only at such an appropriately designated area. Except for such designated areas, Outside Entities’ advertising materials shall not be posted on any doors, windows, walls, floors, sidewalks, vehicles, or other school property.
  4. Approval of the principal of each school (or administrator in-charge of a School District facility other than a school) must be obtained before any materials are posted. Approval must be obtained no less than two (2) school days in advance of the date upon which the materials are to be posted. Early approval is encouraged to avoid any possible problems or delay. Approved advertisements shall bear the stamp of the District indicating that such materials are “Approved for Distribution or Posting.”
  5. The District works hard to ensure that its facilities are clean and tidy. Thus, Outside Entities desiring to post materials must comply with maintenance Failure to do so will be grounds for withdrawal of posting privileges. All circulars and written materials posted shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner and shall be stacked neatly on the table provided or affixed at the appropriate location via a method approved by the administration of the respective building (such as thumb tacks, push pin, etc.).
  6. To eliminate stale or outdated advertising, any Outside Entities’ materials that are posted at an approved location may remain there for no longer than sixty (60) calendar days, unless permitted elsewhere within This Stale/outdated must be disposed of in wastebaskets or removed entirely from the premises.


  1. Outside Entities may rent District facilities for their use outside of school hours, and distribute advertising materials during the rental period, as permitted under the District’s facilities’ use policy and related rules.
  2. Once an Outside Entity’s use of the facilities is complete, no advertising materials shall be left at District facilities unless approved as otherwise provided in this


  1.  From time-to-time, the District may permit Outside Entities, upon payment of a fee, to advertise their product or service in a student yearbook, newspaper, extracurricular publication, school-related calendar, play or athletic program, or on a billboard, scoreboard, or similar fixed location approved by the The District’s sole purpose in allowing such licenses is to raise funds for identified school-related purposes.
  2. Fee-based advertisements will be limited to commercial messages. Commercial messages shall be defined as those messages that promote the sale or lease of a good or service where such transaction is intended to profit the advertising The Generally Applicable Rules set forth above will continue to apply to this signage.
  3. Unless otherwise permitted, fee-based advertisements must comply with all parameters established by the District administration for the particular signage and/or space (e.g., limitations on size, materials, colors, lettering, etc.).
  4. License or publication costs for fee-based advertising shall be established by the District and shall be subject to change at the discretion of the District.
  5. Approval of the principal of each school (or administrator in-charge of a School District facility other than a school) must be obtained before the fee-based advertisement appears in a school publication or in a physical location on school
  6. The District may revise and eliminate any fee-based advertising program at any time, at its sole discretion, and without refund of any fees paid. The District may terminate any advertising license at any time upon written notice, at its sole discretion, and without refund of any fees Dismantled signs will be returned to the licensee.


  1.  Upon the advance approval of the principal of the school building (or administrator in-charge of a District facility other than a school), certain Outside Entities’ advertising may be exempted from specifically identified provisions of this Regulation other than the Generally Applicable Rules. They include:
    1. Films and other instructional aids or tools furnished by private sources that support the District’s curriculum;
    2. Non-profit community organizations’ advertisements for food drives, disaster relief, and the like when such advertisements parallel the curriculum and contribute to the educational program and mission.
    3. Advertisements permitting voluntary participation by students in essay, art, science, and similar quasi-academic contests sponsored by Outside Entities may be permitted when such contests support the District’s curriculum and contribute to the educational program and mission;
    4. Advertisements for athletic and cultural events that are not sponsored by the District but that support the District’s curriculum and contribute to the District’s educational program and mission may be permitted;
    5. District employees who are members of employee groups and who want to distribute school-related information will be permitted to do so, as allowable under law, and they may do so in school mailboxes and/or by posting at a suitable location in the Teachers’ Lounge.
    6. Fundraising programs specifically authorized by the District may be permitted to distribute fundraising information when the fundraising is performed in conjunction with a school group, provided that the approval of the principal of the school (or administrator in-charge of a School District facility other than a school) has been obtained in advance.
    7. Groups that are specifically created to support the educational mission of the District, to provide for greater parent involvement and partnership with the District, and/or to provide financial and practical support to enhance student participation in District activities may be permitted to distribute advertisements of their meetings, activities programs, and the like. This category includes such groups as parent/teacher organizations and school- activity booster organizations.
    8. Other programs, which are specifically intended to support the District’s curriculum and contribute to the District’s educational program and mission, as determined in the judgment of the District Superintendent or designee, may be given distribution privileges.
  2. Exemption from provisions of this Regulation is a privilege, and not an entitlement. Thus, the District may withdraw this privilege at any time for any.


The Superintendent or designee may be requested to review any decision made by a principal or other administrator under this Regulation. Such review is wholly discretionary on the part of the Superintendent.


Board Approved Date: October 28, 2024
Last Updated: November 2024