Sedalia School District 200


R 4505 Compensation

Participant Eligibility:

Only certified staff members employed on a full-time or part-time basis may receive in-service credit. Substitute teachers are not eligible for in-service credit. Staff members who resign forfeit all in- service hours obtained, (i.e. Upon return to the district, in-service hours start at zero).

Rate of Credit:

One (1) hour of in-service credit will be granted for fifteen (15) contact hours of approved in-service programs.

The minimum contact time that may be earned for a given District in-service activity is one (1) hour; thereafter, contact hours may accumulate in increments of five (5) minutes. Building level in-service sessions scheduled in the a.m. for less than one hour may, with the approval of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, be accepted.

In-service credit may be accumulated from one school year to the next, until the fifteen contact hours have been reached. All records of approved contact hours will be kept in the office of Special Services.

Approved Credit Activities and Responsibilities:

The Director of Curriculum and Instruction shall approve all in-service and staff development activities.

In-service and staff development programs offered by the Sedalia School District which are scheduled outside the regular day and approved through the Office of the Superintendent shall be eligible for in-service credit.

All District program registrations will be made through the office of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction with input from the Staff Development Committee, so that decisions regarding accommodations, materials, and the scheduling and remuneration of presenters can be based upon accurate enrollment data.

In order for participants to receive credit on the salary schedule for in-service programs offered by the Sedalia School District, all requirements must be fulfilled, such as attendance, attentiveness, and feedback/evaluation. When the Director of Curriculum and Instruction determines that a staff member has completed all attendance and participation requirements for a given activity, the amount of in-service credit accumulated shall then be approved and retained by the staff member until such time as eligibility is met for horizontal movement.

Staff members in non-supervisory positions who present in-service approved through the office of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction may receive double in-service credit in lieu of remuneration. Teachers who wish to present in-service sessions may submit in-service proposals to their respective academic area coordinators or building principals.

Participation in curriculum development activities may be approved for in-service credit. District- level coordinators, directors, supervisors, and/or department chairpersons shall administer these sessions. All curriculum development activities must be approved by the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

Non-Credit Activities:

In-service programs or activities conducted during the regularly scheduled school day (eight hours) are not eligible for in-service credit.

Unless in-service programs have been approved in advance, they are not eligible for in-service credit.

Staff members who accept remuneration for participating in a district-sponsored program are not eligible for in-service credit on the salary schedule. They will have the option of receiving credit or accepting remuneration.

NOTE: Staff members who take part in in-service activities that are:

The maximum number of contact hours per day that can be applied is eight (8). Staff cannot receive both a stipend and in-service credit for the same activity/in-service. when both are offered, they may have a choice between the two.

In-service credit will be given only for the amount of time during professional workshop/conference schedules in which the principle activities are content presentation sessions. Credit will not be given for other types of activities, e.g., registrations, business meetings, breaks, exhibits, meals, social activities, etc.

When a staff member has earned college credit for a program or activity and submits a transcript of this credit to the Office of the Superintendent requesting to advance on the salary schedule, the staff member is not entitled to District in-service credit for this program or activity.

Staff members granted educational leave are not eligible for in-service credit.

Sedalia staff members who present programs for groups and/or organizations outside the Sedalia School District are not eligible for in-service credit for these presentations.

Approved Credit Activities Offered by Groups Outside the Sedalia School District

Salary credit for workshops and conventions outside the district is allowable provided the participant first submits a proposal meeting the following criteria:

  1. Not for college credit
  2. Be relevant to the person's employment
    1. grade level
    2. district goal
    3. building goal
    4. state or federal grant
  3. Expenses not reinbursed by the district
  4. Outside the schoolday
  5. Written summary and commitment to share the content and the information concerning the use of the content and/or information in the employee’s employment.

To receive in-service credit for participating in activities/workshops sponsored by groups outside the Sedalia School District, requests must be submitted on the “Application for State Development In- Service Credit” form, and approved prior to the date of the activity.

On the application form, applicants will provide information describing the professional growth activity for which in-service credit is being requested. i.e. sponsoring institution or association, location, and date. A copy of the program agenda must be attached to the application.

It will be the responsibility of staff members requesting credit to obtain approval from the professional institution or association and from the appropriate building principal.

When the out-of-district activity has been fully described and approval from the appropriate building principal obtained, the application should be submitted to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

If the application is complete and the request is consistent with established District guidelines, the Director of Curriculum and Instruction will tentatively approve the application and will send the applicant a form for submitting follow-up information.

If the request is not complete and/or is not consistent with established district guidelines, the request will not be approved and the applicant will be notified.

Within two weeks after participating in an approved professional activity, the in-service credit applicant must provide the office of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction with the following:

A copy of the conference agenda indicating which sessions the applicant attended and;

The signature of the appropriate building principal indicating the approval of a plan for sharing the professional growth activity.

When the appropriate follow-up information has been received, the staff member will receive the appropriate credit.



Building level in-service/staff development programs approved and implemented through the office of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction and scheduled outside the regular school day will be eligible for in-service credit.

Building principals will develop in-service session proposals which reflect district and building objectives and will submit proposals to the office of the Director of Curriculum and Instruction prior to the date of the in-service.

When approval has been received, building principals or their designees will administer building- level staff development sessions. The principal’s responsibilities will include disseminating in-service programming information, obtaining attendance and evaluation records, and submitting this information to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.


Staff may accumulate salary credit on the Sedalia School District #200 salary schedule in the following amounts:

View Policy

Board Approved Date: September 23, 2024
Last Updated: September 2024