Sedalia School District 200


R 1420 Community Use of School Facilities

General Policies

The Red Cross and Civil Defense shall have permission to use the school gymnasiums and cafeterias in the event of a natural disaster at no cost to the Board. A standing building use request form will be submitted and will be on file at the Board office for this specific purpose.

Public school buildings are erected primarily for the use of the public schools and shall not be used for any purpose that conflicts with such use. However, the Board believes that the schools belong to the community and they welcome community use of the school plant and its facilities if such use does not conflict with the educational program of the schools and when such use does not place the District in an inordinately vulnerable position regarding liability.

When school buildings are used for other purposes by any group of citizens in the community, it is the policy of the Board to make such charge as will compensate the District for such use, basing the amount of the charge upon the purpose for which the property is to be used, the extent of the use, the cost of servicing such proposed use and the community advantage arising from such. School facilities will not be rented to individuals as such, but only to organized groups or organizations who can and will be responsible for proper supervision of the group and for adequate protection of school property. School buildings and facilities will not be rented to any group for any activity which would seem to result in negative public relations with school patrons. This includes groups or individuals advocating violence or unlawful acts, disrespect for the rights or sensitivities of others, or activities of questionable morality. Groups desiring to use school buildings and facilities shall make a request through the office of the Superintendent, subject to availability through confirmation with building principals.

General Rules for the Use of School Buildings and Facilities

  1. Use of all tobacco products is banned in all school buildings and on all campuses at all times.
  2. There shall be no use or sale of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances and drugs on school property.
  3. Each group must have a sponsor who is responsible for the group and will provide adequate supervision while using the school building or facility. Adequate supervision shall include such matters as discipline, admission arrangements, ushering, and care of property.
  4. Nothing is to be attached to the walls, ceiling, or floors without first clearing for permission with the principal of the building.
  5. Group activities shall be restricted to only that area of the school facility which was approved by the school administration.
  6. The group using the school building and facilities shall be responsible for any school property that is damaged or destroyed while under their supervision.
  7. Groups using a school building or facility shall have access to it only for the time approved by the administration.
  8. Groups desiring to use facilities will fill out a school facilities and equipment form obtained from the Board office.
  9. No activity by students or adult group shall take place in any facility unless there is a custodian or other school personnel approved by the Superintendent present.
  10. Free use, insofar as possible, of school buildings by Boy and Girl Scout Organizations, Special Olympics, 4-H clubs, approved AAU activities and United States Swimming, Inc. activities, will be permitted provided such use does not conflict with regular school activities.
  11. When buildings are used by churches, civic groups, or other city-wide organizations strictly for community projects and for which no admission charge is made, the Board reserves the right to make no charge or to charge only enough to pay for custodial services required.
  12. Groups may not rent school facilities more than two sessions per month unless the requested facility has not been requested by any other group.
  13. School gyms will be rented on the basis of a two (2) hour session, one beginning at 6:00 p.m. and ending at 8:00 p.m. and a second session to begin at 8:00 p.m. and ending at 10:00 p.m. depending on the number of requests.

Rental Schedule




Smith-Cotton High School Performing Arts Center


Smith-Cotton High School Cafeteria (dining room only)


Smith-Cotton High School Cafeteria with Kitchen


Smith-Cotton High School Classroom


Smith-Cotton Junior High School Auditorium


Smith-Cotton Junior High School Gymnasium


Smith-Cotton Junior High School Classroom


Smith-Cotton Junior High School Little Theater


FEMA Cafeteria (dining room only)


FEMA Cafeteria with kitchen


FEMA Gymnasium


Middle School Gymnasium


Middle School Cafeteria (dining room only)


Middle School Cafeteria with Kitchen


Middle School Classroom


Whittier Auditorium/Classroom


Heber Hunt Auditorium/Gym/Classroom


Horace Mann Auditorium/Gym/Classroom


Parkview Auditorium/Gym/Classroom


Skyline Auditorium/Gym/Classroom


Washington Auditorium/Gym/Classroom


Jennie Jaynes Stadium

$200 per hr./$1000 maximum a day

Middle School Pool (not rented for strictly recreational purposes)


The Park Board is authorized to use fixed school recreation facilities for its proposed year-round program whenever the space is available so as not to interfere with the regular school program. A schedule will be submitted annually and a properly completed school facilities request form will be attached.

Use of any school facility for school functions will be free of charge, even if conducted on weekends.

Custodial charges do not apply while custodians are on regularly scheduled duty. If an event  runs over or are in buildings past time of custodian regular dismissal time overtime charges will apply at the rate of $20.00 per hour.

If an event is scheduled on the weekend or during a time school is not regularly in session (i.e., spring break, summer months, etc.) overtime charges do apply for custodial services.

Rental of the Performing Arts Center will have to have the technician person the entire time it is being used for $20.00 per hour.

Rental of a kitchen must have a cook the entire time it is being used for $20.00 per hour.

Organizations must complete the appropriate form before permission will be granted for facility use. When using the Sedalia School District #200 facilities the organization must provide the district with a certificate of liability insurance with minimum coverage of $1,000,000.00. The certificate will name the district as an additional insured.

Schedule and fees will be subject to change at any time by the Board.

Use of Sedalia Middle School Swimming Pool

  1. School sponsored or related activities shall have first priority at all times.
  2. Time may be allocated for instructional use such as lessons for non-swimmers and lifesaving courses.
  3. Free use of the pool shall be granted when school is in session to the City Recreation Program, Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Special Olympics, AAU Swim Team, 4-H Clubs, and Boys Club when requested for instructional purposes and when proper agreement forms have been filled out and signed.
  4. Any pool use requires one certified lifeguard on duty for each twenty-five (25) participants with said lifeguard’s current certification on file in the District office.

Sedalia School District Requirements for All Pool Activities

The following safety requirements must be adhered to in order to ensure optimum safety in the swimming pool:

  1. A qualified lifeguard, or qualified educator, or qualified coach, must be on the pool deck in addition to any instructor or coach supervising the pool activity. They must be designated with the sole responsibility of monitoring student safety by following these procedures:
    1. Ensure the safety of all students.
    2. Be alert and attentive at all times.
    3. Always have a clear view of the entire pool.
    4. Visually scan above and below the water surface continually.
    5. Do not get distracted or leave the pool area.
  2. All pool facility doors will remain locked when the facility is not in use.
  3. The qualified lifeguard, or qualified educator, or qualified coach must ensure the pool has all the necessary safety equipment and is readily available each time the pool is in use. Pool deck must be kept clear of unnecessary equipment.
  4. There must be a designated telephone in close proximity of the pool deck for emergency calls.
  5. The instructor and/or qualified lifeguard, or qualified educator or, qualified coach must make certain that the start of the deep end is clearly marked.
  6. Pool rules will be enforced at all times.
  7. Always adhere to the pool rules that are posted in the pool area.

View Policy

Board Approved Date: January 2017
Last Updated: February 2019