The following guidelines should be utilized to minimize health risks resulting from contact with body fluids.
Avoid Contact With Body Fluids
When possible, direct skin contact with body fluids should be avoided. Disposable gloves are available in at least the office of the custodian, nurse, or principal. Gloves are recommended when direct hand contact with body fluids is anticipated (e.g., treating bloody noses, handling clothes soiled by incontinence, cleaning small spills by hand). If extensive contact is made with body fluids, hands should be washed afterwards. Gloves used for this purpose should be put in a plastic bag or lined trash can, secured and disposed of daily.
If Direct Skin Contact Occurs
In many instances, unanticipated skin contact with body fluids may occur in situations where gloves may be immediately unavailable (e.g., when wiping a runny nose, applying pressure to a bleeding injury outside the classroom, helping a child in the bathroom). In these instances hands and other affected skin areas of all exposed persons should be routinely washed with soap and water after direct contact has ceased. Clothing and other nondisposable items (e.g., towels used to wipe up body fluid) that are soaked through with body fluids should be rinsed and placed in plastic bags. If presoaking is required to remove stains (e.g., blood, feces), use gloves to rinse or soak the item in cold water prior to bagging. Clothing should be sent home for washing with appropriate directions to parents/teachers. Contaminated disposable items (e.g., tissues, paper towels, diapers) should be handled with disposable gloves.
Removal of Spilled Body Fluids From the Environment
Most schools have standard procedures already in place for removing body fluids (e.g., vomitus). These procedures should be reviewed to determine whether appropriate cleaning and disinfection steps have been included. Many schools stock sanitary absorbent agents specifically intended for cleaning body fluid spills (e.g., ZGOOP, Parsen Mfg. Co.; Philadelphia, PA). The dry material is applied to the area, left for a few minutes to absorb the fluid, and then vacuumed or swept up. The vacuum bag or sweepings should be disposed of in a plastic bag. Broom and dustpan should be rinsed in a disinfectant. No special handling is required for vacuuming equipment.
Hand Washing Procedures
Proper hand washing requires the use of soap and water and vigorous washing under a stream of running water for approximately 15-20 seconds.
Soap suspends easily removable soil and microorganisms allowing them to be washed off. Running water is necessary to carry away dirt and debris. Rinse under running water. Use paper towels to thoroughly dry hands. Hold a paper towel while turning off the faucet.
An intermediate level disinfectant should be used to clean surfaces contaminated with body fluids. Such disinfectants will kill vegetative bacteria, fungi, bubercle bacillus and viruses. The disinfectant should be registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use as a disinfectant in medical facilities and hospitals.
Various classes of disinfectants are listed below. Hypochlorite solution (bleach) is preferred for objects that may be put in the mouth.
Ethyl or isopropyl alcohol (70%)
Phenolic germicidal detergent in a 1% aqueous solution (e.g., Lysol).
Sodium Hypochlorite with at least 100 ppm available chlorine (1/2 cup household bleach in 1-gallon water, needs to be freshly prepared each time it is used).
Quaternary ammonium germicidal detergent in 2% aqueous solution (e.g., Tri-quat, Mytar, or Sage).
Idophor germicidal detergent with 500 ppm available iodine (e.g., Wescondyne).
Disinfection of Hard Surfaces and Care of Equipment
After removing the soil, a disinfectant is applied. Mops should be soaked in the disinfectant after use and rinsed thoroughly or washed in a hot water cycle before rinse. Disposable cleaning equipment and water should be placed in a toilet or plastic bag as appropriate. Nondisposable cleaning equipment (dust pans, buckets) should be thoroughly rinsed in the disinfectant. The disinfectant solution should be promptly disposed down a drainpipe. Remove gloves and discard in appropriate receptacles.
Disinfection of Rugs
Apply sanitary absorbent agent, let dry and vacuum. If necessary, mechanically remove with dust pan and broom, then apply rug shampoo (a germicidal detergent) with a brush and re- vacuum. Rinse dustpan and broom in disinfectant. If necessary, wash brush with soap and water. Dispose of non-reusable cleaning equipment as noted above.