Financing Field Trips
The use of bus transportation services for field trips may be authorized from Board of Education appropriated funds budgeted for field trips if approved by the Superintendent/designee.
Field trip transportation may be funded from sources other than Board of Education funds. This would include PTO contributions, foundation funds, authorized fees, government funds, and income generated by school activities, as long as the purpose of such income is not violated.
Requests and Permission Forms
All requests for use of school buses for field trips shall be made on the appropriate District form.
Requests for routine, local walking field trips to points in the immediate community shall be submitted to the principal for approval.
Requests for all unusual field trips shall be submitted through the principal for approval by the Superintendent. When District bus transportation is used, a copy of the Application for Bus Trip form should be attached.
Field trip requests should be submitted early enough to permit adequate review at all levels; otherwise requests shall be denied.
A permission slip for private car transportation, signed by the parents, shall be obtained from each student for each field trip. In cases where there is a series of trips such as physical education classes in ice skating, swimming, etc., only one permission slip is necessary.
Private car transportation refers to families using their own cars to transport children and for private car transportation provided by teachers, coaches or parents to transport other students.
In an athletic program which requires transportation, written permission for transportation will be included in the permission form for student participation in the program.
Transportation Provided by Families
When small groups of high school students are participating in school events away from home base, parents may be asked to make arrangements for their children to arrive there safely and on time.
Family Field Trips
As an alternative to trips scheduled on school time, the School District encourages families to visit historical sites and attend concerts, plays and films which may relate to the school program. Principals and teachers may be able to assist families by providing information for family trips. It is assumed that family trips will take place at times other than during the regular school day.
Study/Travel/Tour Programs
There are numerous study-travel-tour programs promoted and operated by commercial organizations, not only during summer vacations and holidays, but also at times during the school year.
Official Programs
On occasion, it may be appropriate for the schools to make use of the facilities of commercial organizations to offer study, travel or tour programs. In this event, all aspects of such programs shall have been approved by the school system and notification of the programs, together with implementing procedures, shall be sent to schools. These should be designed for the summer vacation, holidays or for other times that do not entail the long absences of either teachers or students from the regular school session.
In the event that any teachers would like to propose such a program, they should submit a written request for approval through the school principal and Superintendent. The request should cover the points in the Guidelines for Appraisal of Study-Travel-Tour Programs. The Request and Information for Unusual Field Trip form shall be completed and attached to the written request for approval. Requests should be submitted early enough to permit adequate review at all levels; otherwise requests shall be denied.
The program should be undertaken to achieve sufficiently valid educational objectives to warrant full or partial support by the school or school system by specific groups, classes or school organizations which have been formed primarily for purposes other than making the trip. Care should be exercised to avoid excluding students from participating in the program by reason of economic consideration.
Non-Official Programs
Study-travel-tour programs that do not carry the specific approval of the District are not officially either with the school system as a whole or with a local school.
Sometimes private groups involving school personnel, students and parents are formed for the purpose of studying, traveling or touring. Such activity should:
School personnel participating in nonofficial programs should: