Each year the Superintendent of Schools is required to submit to the Board of Education for their consideration a detailed annual budget showing estimates of income and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. The Board may accept, reject, modify or request revisions of the budget, but will adopt a budget by June 30, according to statutory provisions.
By law the approved estimated expenditures for each fund cannot exceed the estimated revenues to be received plus the unencumbered beginning cash balance for the fund. After the beginning of the fiscal year, the Superintendent shall review with the Board the adopted budget in relationship to the beginning cash balances for each fund.
The adopted budget of Sikeston R-6 serves as the control to direct and limit expenditures in the district. Overall responsibility for assuring control rests with the superintendent, who will establish procedures for budget control and reporting throughout the district. All moneys received by the school district shall be disbursed only for the purposes for which they are levied, collected or received.
The total amounts that may be expended during the fiscal year for the operation of the school district are set forth in the budget. The total budgeted expenditure for each program is the maximum amount that may be expended for that classification of expenditures during the school year unless a budget transfer is recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board. During the fiscal year the superintendent may transfer any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from the expenditure authorization of one account to another, subject to limitations provided by state laws and approval by the Board.
The Board will review the financial condition of the district monthly and shall require the superintendent to prepare a monthly reconciliation statement. This statement will show the amount expended during the month, total (to date) for the fiscal year, receipts and remaining balances in each fund. This statement will be used as a guide for projected purchasing and budget transfers.