Written Correspondence
Written correspondence may be directed to the Board, through the Superintendent, for consideration at a meeting. Copies of all correspondence directed to the Board will be made available to all Board members. Statements of two pages or less are encouraged.
Agenda Items
Beginning July 1, 2023, and after citizen comment, residents of the District may submit an agenda item which is related to governance or operation of the District. Prior to submission of an agenda item, the submitting resident must meet with the Superintendent/designee in an effort to resolve the concern related to the agenda item. The Superintendent/designee will hold the resolution meeting within twenty (20) business days of the request. Following the resolution meeting or if a resolution meeting is not timely scheduled the agenda request will be submitted to the Board Secretary by the requesting resident. The agenda item will be included in the Board agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting if item received at least five (5) school days prior to the meeting. If not timely received, the item will be placed on the agenda of the following regularly scheduled meeting. However, the agenda may be moved to a later meeting with the resident’s agreement.
Placement of a resident’s requesting agenda item is subject to the following rules:
- Presentation of the agenda item is limited to five (5) minutes unless expanded by the Board.
- No more than three (3) persons may speak on the agenda item but only if each of the speakers has spoken with the Superintendent/designee as provided in this policy.
- The Board may decline to hear a resident’s requested agenda item if the Board reasonably believes that the Board has heard an identical or substantially the same agenda item within the preceding three (3) months.
- If the resident requesting addition of the agenda item has previously violated rules regarding conduct at a Board meeting or on District property, as reasonably determined by the Board that the requesting resident be denied placement of their agenda item.
- If more than three (3) resident-initiated agenda items are scheduled for the same Board meeting, later resident submissions may be scheduled for the following meeting.
However, if a resident-initiated agenda item is delayed under this paragraph the resident will be advised of this option to submit their presentation to the Board in writing.
Public Comment
Any member of the public may address the Board of Education at a regular monthly Board meeting. The following guidelines will govern such comments:
- The period of public comments at the regular monthly Board meeting will not exceed 15 minutes.
- Individuals who wish to speak must sign up before the president calls the meeting to order. A sign-up sheet will be provided. Interested parties will provide their names and a brief description of their topics.
- Individuals may speak no more than three minutes and may not speak more than once during the period for public comments.
- If more than two people sign up to address the Board on the same topic, the Board may require these people to select a spokesperson. In this event, the spokesperson will be allowed five minutes to speak.
- The Board president may interrupt or end comments related to a topic that can legally be discussed in executive session and, in the opinion of the president, should not be discussed in open session.