Valley R-VI


P 2115 Transgender Students

The Board of Education believes that all students are entitled to a quality education in a safe environment. This belief extends to transgender students, that is, students who self-identify with a gender that is different from their biological sex.

The Board seeks to balance the privacy needs of all students with the preferences of transgender students and their parents/guardians. This policy sets forth the practices that are in place for the welfare of all of our students. This policy does not anticipate every situation that might occur with respect to transgender students, and the needs of each student must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Student Identity

Transgender students may select a first name and pronoun that more closely matches their gender identity. This chosen name shall be used by District staff to communicate verbally and electronically other than in official school records. Changes of name shall not be permitted to exceed one name change per school year. Gender markers on unofficial District forms and related documents will reflect the student’s gender identity.

Official school records will list the birth name and biological sex of the student. The student or their parents/guardians may obtain a name change through the court system.


The District, when requested, will designate a gender-neutral restroom(s) in each building with the appropriate signage.

All students, regardless of their gender identity, will have the option of using the gender-neutral restroom or the restroom designated for their biological sex.


Transgender students are permitted to dress in the manner of their gender identity.  However, all students are required to dress consistently with the school’s dress code.

Extra-Curricular/School Athletics

As used in this policy, the terms “Athletics” and “Gender” are defined as follows:

Athletics – any interscholastic athletic games, contests, programs, activities, exhibitions, or similar competitions organized and provided for students.

Sex - the two main categories of male and female into which individuals are divided based on an individual reproductive biology at birth and the individual genome. Biologic sex is the gender correctly stated in the student’s official birth certificate completed at or near the time of the student’s birth.

The District will not permit any student to compete in an athletic competition that is designated for the biologic sex opposite to the student’s biologic sex.

However, the District may allow a female student to compete in an athletic competition that is designated for male students, if no corresponding athletic competition designated for female students is offered.

The District acknowledges that if the District violates this policy, as derived from state statute, the District is subject to a loss of state aid and any other state revenues.

This policy will expire on August 28, 2027, unless specifically reauthorized by the Board.

Board Approved Date: September 21, 2023
Last Updated: August 2023