Although no member of the community shall be denied the right to petition the Board of Education for redress of a grievance, the complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the Board. Exceptions are complaints that concern Board actions or Board operations only.
The Board advises the public that the proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows:
Any complaint about school personnel will be investigated by the Administration before consideration and action by the Board.
When addressing the BOE, the following guidelines have been established:
1. State your name and subject matter of your presentation.
2. Speaker will be limited to three minutes.
3. Groups or organizations who address the Board will be allotted a maximum of 15 minutes, with each speaker limited to 3 minutes.
4. If you have an issue to present of which further study is required, the item will be scheduled for discussion at a future meeting.
5. Please do not publicly register complaints against, or discuss specific individuals employed by the R-I District. Public, staff, and student grievance procedures are addressed in the grievance policies contained in the Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual.
6. Action will not normally be taken by the Board on items brought up and not on the agenda. Requests to place items on the agenda should be submitted to the superintendent in writing by the Wednesday preceding the meeting date.
7. The president may limit discussion whenever he deems such action appropriate to the proper conduct of the meeting.
8. A Public Complaint form must be completed and submitted to the superintendent 10 days in advance of request to address the board.