Because the Board believes that completion of the requirements for a diploma from West St. Francois County R-IV School District is an achievement that improves the community as well as the individual, the Board wishes to recognize that achievement in a publicly celebrated graduation exercise.
Accordingly, appropriate graduation programs may be planned by the high school, under the direction of the high school principal, on the date selected by the Board of Education. Elementary and junior high schools may hold promotion exercises, but formal graduation programs for these grades are prohibited.
All students who have successfully completed the graduation requirements for a high school diploma and are in good standing may participate in graduation exercises. However, any student who has otherwise met all scholastic requirements for graduation will be granted a diploma, whether or not he or she participates in graduation exercises.
Board Member Participation in Graduation
Any present or former West St. Francois County R-IV School Board member may take part in high school graduation ceremonies for the purpose of presenting a relative within the second degree his or her graduation diploma.
Any Board member wishing to participate shall notify the high school principal of his or her intentions no later than April 1.