West St. Francois County R-IV


P 5550 Meal Charges


The purpose of this policy is to maintain consistent meal account procedures throughout the District. Unpaid charges place a financial strain on District finances.  The Food Service Department is responsible for maintaining food charge records and for notifying the District’s accounting department of outstanding balances.


  1. Student Groups:
    • Elementary students will be allowed to charge their meal.
    1. These meals will include only the menu items of the reimbursable meal.
    • Middle School and High School students will be allowed to charge a maximum of five times the cost of a meal.After this maximum has been met no additional charges may be made for beverages and ala carte items.
  2. Parents/guardians of students with negative balances will be contacted electronically, by correspondence, by phone call by the District Accounting Office, or by the Food Service Department.
  3. During the school year:
    • Students may not be allowed to attend dances, have an assigned parking lot, etc., if they owe a fine.
    • Middle School and High School students who owe more than $100.00 may not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities until the amount is under this threshold.
  4. At the end of the school year:
    • Parents/guardians will be sent a written request for “payment in full.”
    • All charges not paid before the end of the school year will be carried forward into the next school year even if changing attendance centers.
    • Graduating seniors must pay all charges in full.Failure to do so may result in the delinquent student being denied participation in graduation ceremonies.
  5. If a financial hardship is suspected, families will be encouraged to apply for free/reduced meals at any time during the school year.
  6. Each building principal will send a letter to all parents on or before the first day of school notifying them of the requirements of this policy. This policy will also be published on the District’s website.

Board Approved Date: July 18, 2019
Last Updated: May 2017