The discipline code set out in this regulation is intended to be illustrative but not an exclusive listing of acts of misconduct and the consequences for each. Misconduct which is not specifically listed in this regulation may be deemed to warrant discipline up to and including expulsion following provision of all due process procedures. In addition, the disciplinary consequence listed for each offense may be increased or decreased by the Administration or the Board of Education due to mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
Copies of this regulation or the student handbook which includes the code of student conduct and disciplinary consequences, as well as the District's corporal punishment policy, if any, will be provided to each student at the beginning of each school year. Copies of these documents will also be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Superintendent's office.
PHILOSOPHY OF DISCIPLINE - The purpose of discipline in the school setting is to prepare the student for life. As in society, in order to maintain an environment where people can live and learn, it is essential that rules be established and followed so that all may benefit from our education programs. Our goal is to prepare the student to discipline themselves, which is an important ingredient in reaching future goals.
Students need to be in school if they are to learn, however, from time to time we have students who have as their goal to disrupt class and prevent others from learning. At times it may be necessary to suspend students from school in order that others may learn. Schools need to be a safe place where students can reach their goals. We need to do what we can to insure our schools are free from drugs and physical violence.
When students choose not to follow rules, in some cases we will utilize In-School-Suspension (ISS). When these measures fail to correct the behavior, it may be necessary to use Out-of-School-Suspension (OSS) or Alternative Intervention School (AIS).
The Alternative Intervention School (AIS) may be used anytime that OSS is listed as the punishment for the infraction. AIS is an extension of our school and, if assigned, the student MUST serve their time in there before coming back to the high school. These days must be "quality" days where the student made measurable progress while he/she was there. The decision of "quality" days will be made by the AIS administrator. Transportation will be provided to and from the AIS campus by the West County School District.
The student code of conduct is designed to foster student responsibility, respect for the right of others and to ensure the orderly operation of district schools. No code can be expected to list each and every offense that may result in the use of disciplinary action. However, it is the purpose of this code to list certain offenses which, if committed by a student, will result in the imposition of a certain disciplinary action. Any conduct not included herein, or an aggravated circumstance of any offense or action involving a combination of offenses may result in disciplinary consequences that extend beyond this code of conduct as determined by the principal, superintendent and/or Board of Education. In extraordinary circumstances where the minimum consequence is judged by the superintendent or designee to be manifestly unfair or not in the interest of the district, the superintendent or designee may reduce the consequence listed in this policy, as allowed by law.
Corporal Punishment -- See Board policy 2670
Notification to Law Enforcement Officials – Certain offenses in this code state that law enforcement officials will be notified. In situations where the student is 16 and under the juvenile office will be notified. For students who are over 16 years of age, the city or county authorities will be notified.
Behaviors not Covered – Punishment for each offense listed may vary according to the severity of the offense. Should misbehavior be extreme and/or the offender’s attitude be very negative, the maximum consequences may be implemented, even on the first offense.
*NOTE: Any students that withdraw from school or go to Home Schooling before completing an assigned disciplinary action will complete the disciplinary assignment upon return to school.
In-School Suspension (ISS)
Students will be allowed a maximum of ten (10) days of ISS per semester. Students assigned ISS will not be permitted to return to regular classes until they satisfactorily complete the ISS assignment. In the event that a student uses all of his/her days the next step will be OSS or AIS.
Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
Students assigned to OSS may not be permitted to make-up work missed as a result of the suspension.
In cases involving serious, continuous, or flagrant violation of rules, the Superintendent or Board of Education may assign additional punishment.
Below are listed specific infractions of rules and their corresponding punishments:
Tardiness to class - Getting to class on time is important. We have four minutes between classes, so there is not a good reason for being late to class.
Uncourteous or unsafe driving on or around school property, failure to move vehicle at the request of school officials, failure to follow directions given by school officials, or failure to follow established rules for parking or driving on school property.
First Offense: Suspension of parking privileges for 2 days
Parent Notification
Second Offense: Suspension of parking privileges for 5 days
Parent Notification
Third Offense: Revocation of parking privileges for remainder of the school year.
Cell phones, beepers, pager devices may not be used on school property during regular school hours. (Including text messaging, games and pictures) Regular school hours shall be defined (for the purposes of this policy) as the time upon arrival at school in the morning until after school dismisses. Use, display, or activation of these items at times other than described will result in the following.
First Offense: Confiscation, returned at the end of the day
1 Day ISS
Parent Notification
Second Offense: Confiscation, returned to parent/guardian
3 Days ISS
Parent Notification
Third Offense: Confiscation, returned to parent/guardian
3 Days OSS
Parent Notification
Any offense committed by a student on transportation provided by or through the district shall be punished in the same manner as if the offense had happened at school. In addition, transportation privileges may be suspended or revoked.
First Offense:
Second Offense:
Third Offense:
The act of quarreling, involving bodily contact in or on school property while going to and from school, including any activity under school sponsorship (dances, athletic events, bus, etc.) All parties actively involved will be subject to suspension.
First Offense: Five Days OSS
Second Offense: Ten Days OSS
First Offense: 5-180 days OSS, notification to law enforcement officials and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Second Offense: 10-180 days OSS, expulsion, notification of law enforcement officials and documentation in student’s discipline record.
Depending on the severity, the student may be recommended to the Superintendent/Board for long term suspension.
The District is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free of any form of bullying or intimidation by students toward District personnel or students on school grounds, or school time, at a school sponsored activity or in a school related context. Bullying is the intentional action by an individual or group of individuals to inflict physical, emotional, or mental suffering on another individual or group of individuals.
Bullying occurs when a student:
*Communicated with another by any means including telephone, writing or via electronic communications, intention to intimidate, or inflict physical, emotional or mental harm without legitimate purpose, or
*Physically contact another person with the intent to intimidate or to inflict physical, emotional, or mental harm without legitimate purpose. Physical contact does not require physical touching, although touching may be included.
Students who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to:
First Offense: 1-10 days ISS/OSS
Subsequent Offenses: 1-10 Days ISS/OSS or Alternative School Placement Dependent on severity of offense.
Tobacco products are not to be brought on school property. Violators will have the product confiscated.
For students caught smoking or chewing tobacco the following will occur:
First Offense: Parent notified/Three (3) days (ISS).
Second Offense: The student will be subject to Five (5) days (OSS).
a) A student found in possession of tobacco products will be assigned 1 day (ISS).
b) A second offense will be handled at the discretion of the administrator. (Two (2) days ISS).
Language which is not appropriate or language such as name calling will not be permitted here at school.
a) First Offense: Parent notified/Two (2) days (ISS)
b) Second Offense: Student may be subject to Four (4) days (ISS)
c) Third Offense: Student may be subject to Five (5) days (OSS)
Any student found in violation of the drug/alcohol policy will be required to show proof of attending a drug/alcohol counseling program before returning to school.
*NOTE: The West County R-IV District may periodically use drug dogs under the supervision of the St. Francois County Sheriff’s Department to inspect the school buildings and grounds for possible drug substances and paraphernalia.
All students who attend West County High School are expected to cooperate with all staff members at school. Any student who refuses through verbal or other actions to immediately cooperate with any legitimate request of a teacher or administrator shall be subject to the following:
a) Parent notified/the student may be subject to a suspension for a maximum of ten days or (ISS) depending on the severity of the incident.
Every student is expected to dress out for P.E. Students will be permitted three (3) dress cuts per semester unless they have doctors excuse
4 dress cuts - 1 day ISS
5 dress cuts - 2 days ISS
6 dress cuts - 3 days ISS
The destruction of school property is serious. Anyone who willfully destroys school property will be subject to the following:
*NOTE: Students will not be allowed to attend extra-curricular activities until such time as restitution has been made.
Students found setting fires at school will be handled in the following manner:
Verbal, written or symbolic language or gesture directed at a staff member or other students that is rude, vulgar, defiant or considered inappropriate to public settings.
Offense: ISS, 10 Days OSS, Parent/Guardian notified; possible recommendation for long term suspension depending on the severity of incident
A student who strikes a staff member will be handled in the following manners:
Students who appropriate another’s property without their permission is guilty of theft. Students who attempt to gain another’s property through coercion are guilty of extortion. Students will be dealt with in the following manner:
First Offense: Principal/student conference, parent/guardian notified, 1-180 days OSS, restitution, depending on nature of incident law enforcement officials may be notified.
Second Offense: Depending on the nature of the incident, notification to law enforcement officials, 1-180 days OSS, restitution
*NOTE: Students will not be allowed to attend extra-curricular activities until such time as restitution has been made.
Persons who are not enrolled at West County are not permitted to be on campus during school hours unless they check in at the administrative office. Violators will be handled in the following manner:
Students who are suspended from school are not to be on campus or at any school function at another site for any reason, without permission from the school administrator. Failure to follow these directives will result in the following:
Certain recreational objects such as jam-box radios, tape players, skateboards, hip pocket stereos, playing cards, and baseball cards are not permitted here at school. We ask that they not be brought to school. Those who do not comply will be subject to the following:
Inappropriate display of affection such as kissing, embracing, etc. are not acceptable here at school. Keep your hands to yourself. Parents of students who do not comply with this directive will be notified.
The integrity of the academic program and the evaluation of each student’s achievement are of primary concern to all educational institutions. Cheating on any exercise not only reflects dishonesty, on the part of the person cheating, but also diminishes the value of the work done. Any student who cheats or plagiarizes is subject to the following:
First Offense:
a) Parent notified/Student receives no credit for assignment.
b) Student referred to principal.
Second Offense:
a) Parent notified/Student receives no credit on assignment.
b) Student serves two (2) days of (ISS).
*Second offense need not be in same subject area. A student who is found copying a neighbor's math paper and is later discovered cheating on a social studies test will be guilty of a second offense.
The discharge of fireworks is not permitted on school property. Students who violate this directive will be handled in the following manner:
a) Parent notified/The student may be suspended up to ten days (OSS) depending on severity of the incident.
b) Depending on severity, the student may be recommended to the Superintendent/Board for long term suspension or expulsions.
The school district is committed to providing an environment free of intimidating, hostile, or offensive behavior; unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct or communication constituting sexual harassment. Sexual harassment by an employee, student, or other person is prohibited.
Allegation of sexual harassment shall be investigated and, if substantiated, corrective or disciplinary action taken, up to the including suspension and/or expulsion of the student. Depending on the severity law enforcement officials may be notified.
Tampering with emergency equipment, setting off false alarms, making false reports; communicating a threat or false report for the purpose of frightening, disturbing or causing the evacuation or closure of school property.
First Offense: Principal/Student Conference, in-school suspension, 1 – 180 days OSS, or expulsion, and immediate report to law enforcement
Subsequent Offense: In-school suspension, 1 – 180 days OSS, or expulsion and immediate report to law enforcement
When a student leaves a class or the cafeteria during lunch the student will be
required to possess a hall pass completed by the sending teacher. The pass will contain the students name, date, time, departing location, arrival location, teacher signature and time returned.
The Board of Education has approved the use of corporal punishment provided all other remedies have failed to correct the behavior. This type of punishment will be used only by certified staff in the presence of a witness.
Certain offenses in this code state that law enforcement officials will be notified. In situations where the student is sixteen years old and under, the Juvenile office will be notified. For students who are over sixteen years of age, city or county authorities will be notified.
The rules in this code apply to all school sponsored activities including dances, sports activities and club activities.
Computer/Internet Violations – Use of the district’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right. Violations are in accordance with the district Technology Usage Agreement signed by all computer users. A violation is any use of the computer/internet outside the acceptable use policy outlined in the usage agreement (i.e. obscene, inappropriate sites, profane language, inappropriate use, etc…).
First Offense:
Second Offense:
Third Offense:
Students with disabilities will be disciplined in accordance with the law.