The discipline code set out in this regulation is intended to be illustrative but not an exclusive listing of acts of misconduct and the consequences for each. Misconduct which is not specifically listed in this regulation may be deemed to warrant discipline up to and including expulsion following provision of all due process procedures. In addition, the disciplinary consequence listed for each offense may be increased or decreased by the Administration or the Board of Education due to mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
Copies of this regulation or the student handbook which includes the code of student conduct and disciplinary consequences, as well as the District's corporal punishment policy, if any, will be provided to each student at the beginning of each school year. Copies of these documents will also be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Superintendent's office.
PHILOSOPHY OF DISCIPLINE - We believe that a safe and orderly environment is required in order for maximum learning to occur. All students have a responsibility to act appropriately in the following areas: in transport to and from school; anytime while on school campus; and at all school-related activities. It is the responsibility of students, parents, and school staff to cooperate in maintaining behavior, which will advance the purpose of education. Students are expected to treat peers, themselves, and staff with dignity and respect.
In order to help provide a learning atmosphere for each student, all teachers will have the approved Code of Conduct posted in their classroom along with any other classroom rules.
When staff members find it necessary to have a student report to the office because of a specific behavior, the administrator then will use this policy to assist in determining an appropriate consequence. The administrator will weigh each situation carefully and then, at his/her discretion will choose an appropriate consequence(s). The consequences listed under each subheading are optional choices available to the administrator. If the seriousness of the offense or the frequency of the misbehaviors should warrant it, the administrator has the privilege of foregoing the suggested consequences outlined in this policy book and taking whatever action is deemed necessary. Failure of the student to complete the assigned disciplinary consequences will result in the assignment of alternative consequences as deemed necessary by the administrator.
Offense |
1st Office Referral |
2nd Office Referral |
3rd Office Referral |
Affection - inappropriatedisplay of |
Alcohol/Drugs - Smell/Possession of/use of/under influence of at school/school activity, selling, of drug paraphernalia |
Arson - starting a fire or causing an explosion with the intention to damage property or building |
Assault - Cumulative over middle school career |
Bullying - unreasonable and inappropriate behavior which intimidates, offends, degrades, insults or humiliates another person |
Bus Incidents - Not following rules, disrespectful, insubordination. *The West St. Francois County R-IV School District may employ the non-discriminate use of video camera on the school buses to monitor student behavior. |
Cheating - Including Plagiarism |
Disrespect Toward Staff |
Cell Phone Usage |
Classroom Disruption |
Dress Code Violation |
**Corporal Punishment may be used as an alternative form of punishment at the discretion of the administrator, (or) with parent permission, and in accordance with board policy.