policies, regulations & forms
MCE District Variables – Regulations

Policies Form

    District Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Regulation 2110 - View

    Position Title of the District's 504 Contact Person

    The contact number and/or email address for the District's 504 Contact Person

    The name, title and address of contact person who should receive the request for 504 Due Process Hearing

    Regulation 2130 - View

    District Compliance Officer

    Violation Response Days

    Regulation 2260 - View

    Title of Position serving as Liaison of Homeless Students

    Regulation 2400 - View

    Position Title who is to receive requests for access to Student Educational Records

    Position Title of contact person who is to receive requests for explanations and interpretations of the Educational Records

    The District must choose one of the following options for the "Copies of Educational Records" section

    Though the District does not generally have an obligation to provide copies under FERPA, it will nonetheless provide up to x pages per student, per school year, without charge. All requests for copies over x pages per student, per school year will be denied. The District will administratively consider exceptions to this policy on a case by case basis. The factors to be considered in making such an exception include but are not limited to the purpose of the copies, whether the request is overly time consuming or burdensome, and the number of prior requests. If copies are requested to be sent to an agency or individual other than the adult student or parent/legal guardian, all proper releases must be signed.Though the District does not generally have an obligation to provide copies under FERPA, it will nonetheless provide up to x pages per student, per school year, without charge. All requests for copies over x pages per student, per school year will be charged x cents per page, which must be paid for in advance. The District will administratively consider exceptions to this policy on a case by case basis. The factors to be considered in making such an exception include but are not limited to the purpose of the copies, whether the request is overly time consuming or burdensome, and the number of prior requests. If copies are requested to be sent to an agency or individual other than the adult student or parent/legal guardian, all proper releases must be signed.

    Maximum number of pages provided per student per school year without charge

    The charge in cents per page, for requested copied above the maximum number of free pages

    Position Title of contact person who is to receive requests for Student Educational Record amendments

    Position Title of the person the District has designated to make the determination as to whether a particular school official has a legitimate educational interest in accessing a student's educational records

    Position Title of the person the District has designated who must revive a written request from school officials seeking access to student's educational records

    Position Title of the person appointed by the District that will maintain a record of each request for access to and/or each disclosure of Educations Records for each student

    Regulation 2610 - View

    You may fill out the fields below OR email a copy of your District's current Discipline Regulation to Email

    Alcohol First Offense

    Alcohol Subsequent Offense

    Arson First Offense

    Arson Subsequent Offense

    Assault First Offense

    Assault Subsequent Offense

    Bullying First

    Bullying Subsequent

    Fighting First Offense

    Fighting Subsequent Offense

    Defiance of Authority First Offense

    Defiance of Authority Subsequent Offense

    Disruptive Behavior First Offense

    Disruptive Behavior Subsequent Offense

    Possession of Drugs or Controlled Substance First Offense

    Possession of Drugs or Controlled Substance Subsequent Offense

    Sale of Drugs or Controlled Substance First Offense

    Sale of Drugs or Controlled Substance Subsequent Offense

    Possession of Prescription Medication First Offense

    Possession of Prescription Medication Subsequent Offense

    Distribution of Prescription Medication First Offense

    Distribution of Prescription Medication Subsequent Offense

    Extortion First Offense

    Extortion Subsequent Offense

    Possession of a firearm or weapon First Offense (This must be a minimum of a one-year suspension.)

    Possession of a firearm or weapon Subsequent Offense

    Harassment First Offense

    Harassment Subsequent Offense

    Improper Display of Affection First Offense

    Improper Display of Affection Subsequent Offense

    Improper Threatening Language First Offense

    Improper Threatening Language Subsequent Offense

    Use of Obscene or Vulgar Language First Offense

    Use of Obscene or Vulgar Language Subsequent Offense

    Disruptive or Demeaning Language or Conduct First Offense

    Disruptive or Demeaning Language or Conduct Subsequent Offense

    Physical Touching of Another Student First Offense

    Physical Touching of Another Student Subsequent Offense

    Use of sexually intimidating language, objects, or pictures First Offense

    Use of sexually intimidating language, objects, or pictures Subsequent Offense

    Indecent Exposure First Offense

    Indecent Exposure Subsequent Offense

    Theft First Offense

    Theft Subsequent Offense

    Tobacco First Offense

    Tobacco Subsequent Offense

    Truancy First Offense

    Truancy Subsequent Offense

    Vandalism First Offense

    Vandalism Subsequent Offense

    Regulation 2750 - View

    The name(s), title(s), and contact information (email address is sufficient) of this/these individual(s) is(are):

    Example: Full Name | Title / Relationship to the School or District | Email address | Role on Committee

    Regulation 2875 - View

    The District must choose one of the following options

    In accordance with Board policy, the nurse or designee will provide training to all staff members about the causes and symptoms of and responses to allergic reactions and the proper administration of epinephrine. This training will be provided to current staff members within thirty (30) calendar days of the adoption of the Allergy Prevention and Response policy and on an annual basis thereafter. Staff members who are hired after this training has been conducted will be provided the information within ten (10) calendar days of the first day of employment. Pursuant to Board policy, students may carry medication for the treatment of allergies. In addition, epinephrine premeasured auto-injection devices are available in each building and stored in the following locations:Pursuant to Board policy, students may carry medication for the treatment of allergies. The district does not stock epinephrine premeasured auto-injection devices for general emergency use.

    If the District chose the first option:

    Building 1

    Locations 1

    Building 2

    Locations 2

    Building 3

    Locations 3

    The name and title of School Nurse's Allergic Reaction Designee

    Regulation 3480 - View

    Position Title of the district's Disclosure Officer:

    Regulation 5130 - View

    During the heating season, during the day, the thermostats will be kept at this degree Fahrenheit

    For Kindergarten, shower and locker room thermostats will be kept at this degree Fahrenheit

    Where possible, school building thermostats will be set at this degree Fahrenheit to further conserve fuel resources

    During the cooling season, during the day, the thermostats will be kept at no lower than this degree Fahrenheit:

    Regulation 6250 - View

    Choose One

    any IDEA disability category except that of Young Child with a Developmental Delayonly the IDEA disability category of Young Child with a Developmental Delay.any IDEA disability category including Young Child with a Developmental Delay.

    Regulation 6255 - View

    The name of the District's Special Education Director

    Approved evaluators must be located within this many miles of the District's Administrative Offices

    The total cost of a multidisciplinary independent evaluation will be limited to a total cost of:

    By default the following evaluators will be approved, please indicate any you wish to remove or to add. (For more information see section V of this Regulation) The approved evlautors are Academic Achievement, Adaptive Behavoir, Assistive Technology, Audiological, Central Auditory Processing, Cognition, Health, Motor, Music Therapy, Orientation/Mobility or Residual Vision or Functional Vision, Social/Emotional/Behavioral, Speech/Language, Transition, Vision, Visual Perceptual or Visual Motor.

    A comprehensive, independent evaluation will be limited to a total cost of

    Each District must determine what the fees are for each of the types of testing that are included in these procedures. Feel free to add or delete from this section. Remember that the same limitations apply to any outside evaluations that the District would obtain.

    Academic Achievement

    Adaptive Behavior

    Assistive Technology

    Auditory Acuity

    Auditory Perception





    Sensory-Motor Integration




    Functional Vision


    District also should consider including a listing of sources or individuals who can provide IEEs by area of assessment - e.g., academic achievement, etc

    Regulation 6273 - View

    Position Title of Liaison for Homeless Students

    If you would like to retain a copy of this form for your records simply print this webpage BEFORE you click “Send.”

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