policies, regulations & forms
Table of Contents


School Board Organization
PRF | 0320.0 - Missouri Department of Revenue Candidate's Affidavit of Tax Payments and Bonding Requirements
PRF | 0320.1 - School Board Elections - Declaration of Candidacy
0342.0 - Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure Chart
PRF | 0411.0 - Meeting Agenda Form
PF | 0420.1 - Closed Meeting Minutes
PF | 0420.0 - Regular Meeting Minutes
PF | 0440.1 - Notice of Closed Session Authorization
PF | 0440.0 - Notification of Board Meeting: Posting Log


PRF | 1110.0 - Assurance of Religious Expression
Equal Opportunity
PRF | 1300.0 - Notice of Nondiscrimination
School/Community Relations
PRF | 1440.1 - Research Requests Agreement
PRF | 1440.0 - Research Requests Review
PRF | 1450.1 - Denial of Access to Requested Records
PRF | 1450.0 - Public Record Search and Duplication Cost Certification
Private, State and Federal Programs Administration
PRF | 1621.0 - Title I Parent Notification of Teacher Qualifications
Administrative Organization and Roles
PRF | 1720.1 - Superintendent Evaluation Form for use by Board and/or Administrators
PRF | 1720.0 - Superintendent's Contract


Nondiscrimination and Student Rights
PRF | 2110.0 - Notice of Appeal/Request for an Impartial Due Process Hearing Under Section 504
PF | 2150.0 - Searches by School Personnel: Student Lockers
PF | 2150.1 - Searches by School Personnel: Parking Lots
Admission and Withdrawal
PRF | 2230.1 - Request for Waiver of Proof of Residency
PRF | 2230.2 - Affidavit Regarding Prior Discipline
PRF | 2230.0 - Residency Enrollment Checklist
Student Educational Records
PRF | 2400.1 - FERPA Educational Rights Annual Notification
PRF | 2400.0 - FERPA Notice of Designation of Directory Information
PF | 2650.0 - Student Vehicle Use: Parking Lots and Searches
PF | 2655.0 - Bullying Incident Report Form
PRF | 2662.0 - Short Term Suspension Notice
PRF | 2662.1 - Short Term Suspension Notice - Request Additional Days
PRF | 2662.2 - Long Term Suspension Notice
PRF | 2663.0 - Notice of Expulsion Hearing
PRF | 2671.0 - Student Discipline Hearing Introduction
PRF | 2671.1 - Student Hearing Agenda
PRF | 2671.2 - Student Hearing Decision
PRF | 2673.0 - Agreement for Reporting Third Degree Assault
Student Welfare
PRF | 2760.0 - Students in Foster Care
PRF | 2760.1 - Best Interest Determination for Foster Care School Placement Form
PRF | 2760.2 - Best Interest Determination for Foster Care School Placement Form (Word Version)
PF | 2770.0 - Seclusion and Restraint Incident
Student Services
PF | 2835.0 - Affidavit - Consent to Medical Treatment and Educational Service
PRF | 2850.0 - School Year Immunization Requirements
PRF | 2870.0 - Permission to Self-Administer Medication
PRF | 2870.1 - Administering Medicines to Students
Activities and Athletics
PRF | 2920.0 - Acknowledgement of Activity Rules and Guidelines
PF | 2930.2 - MSHSAA Handout: A Fact Sheet for Parents and Athletes
PF | 2930.1 - MSHSAA Return to Play (RTP) Procedures After a Concussion
PF | 2930.0 - MSHSAA Concussion Return to Play Form
Staff Welfare
PRF | 2785.0 - Student Suicide Awareness


Financial Management
PRF | 3140.0 - Depositary Agreement
PRF | 3230.0 - Fiscal Instructional Ratio of Efficiency (FIRE) Calculation Worksheet


PRF | 4120.0 - Employment Application - Certificated Staff
PRF | 4120.1 - Applicant Notice: Certificated Position
PRF | 4120.2 - Request for Criminal Record/Child Abuse or Neglect Check
PRF | 4120.3 - Request for Arrest Record
PRF | 4120.4 - Employment Application - Certificated Staff: Administration
PRF | 4120.5 - Applicant Notice - Administrative Position
PRF | 4120.6 - Employment Application - Support Staff
PRF | 4120.7 - Applicant Notice - Support Staff
PRF | 4120.8 - Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification
PRF | 4120.9 - Employment Procedures
PRF | 4130.2 - Certificated Contracts: Building Administrator
PRF | 4130.0 - Certificated Contracts: Permanent Teacher
PRF | 4130.0 - Certificated Contracts: Probationary Teacher
PF | 4131.0 - Extra Duty/Extended Duty Contract
PF | 4131.1 - Coaching Code of Ethics
Personnel Assignment and Transfer
PRF | 4221.0 - Personnel Assignment and Transfer
PRF | 4221.1 - Overtime/Compensatory Time Report
Absences, Leave and Vacation
PRF | 4320.0 - Application For Military Leave
PRF | 4321.1 - Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee's Serious Health Condition
PRF | 4321.1 - FLMA: Certification of EE health condition WH-380
PRF | 4321.2 - FLMA: Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member's Serious Health Condition
PRF | 4321.7 - Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Current Servicemember - - for Military Family Leave
PRF | 4321.3 - FLMA: Employee Rights and Responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act
PRF | 4321.2 - Certification of for Family Member Serious Health Condition WH-380-F
PRF | 4321.3 - FMLA Poster from DOL Site
PRF | 4321.7 - FMLA: Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Current Servicemember - - for Military Family Leave
PRF | 4321.8 - FMLA: Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave
PRF | 4321.8 - Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave wh385V
PRF | 4321.0 - Family Medical Leave Act Forms
PRF | 4321.5 - Designation Notice WH-382
PRF | 4321.4 - FMLA: Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibility
PRF | 4321.4 - Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities WH-381
PRF | 4321.5 - FMLA: Designation Notice
PRF | 4321.6 - FMLA: Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave
PRF | 4321.6 - Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Leave WH-384
Performance Evaluation
PF | 4610.1 - Certificated Personnel-Bank of Evaluation Criteria/Descriptors
PF | 4610.2 - Certificated Personnel: Formative Evaluation
PF | 4610.3 - Documentation of Routine Problems
PF | 4610.4 - Summary Memo
PF | 4610.0 - Summative Evaluation Report
PF | 4620.0 - Summative Evaluation Report
PF | 4700.0 - Due Process Flow Chart
PRF | 4730.0 - Notice of Non-Renewal
PRF | 4730.1 - Statement of Reasons for Non-Renewal
PRF | 4730.2 - Standard of Performance: Probationary Teacher
PRF | 4730.3 - Due Process Flow Chart
PRF | 4731.0 - Notice of Deficiency: Permanent Teacher
PRF | 4731.1 - Statement of Charges: Permanent Teacher
PRF | 4731.2 - Notice of Hearing: Permanent Teacher
PRF | 4731.3 - Hearing Introduction: Permanent Teacher
PRF | 4731.4 - Hearing Agenda: Permanent Teacher
Staff Welfare
PF | 4831.1 - Discussions Concerning Terms and Conditions of Employment
PF | 4865.0 - Whistleblower Protection - 105.055 RSMo
PRF | 4871.1 - Driver Drug Testing: Applicant Consent
PRF | 4871.2 - Driver Drug Testing: Employee Consent
PF | 4872.0 - Alcohol and Illicit Drugs


Purchasing and Supply Management
PF | 5330.0 - Anti-Israel Boycott Prohibition


PRF | 6241.0 - Challenged Materials
PRF | 6250.0 - Instruction for Students with Disabilities


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