The Board prefers that the school district financially support district-sponsored student activities, but in some case it may be necessary for students to raise fund to help support those activities. Any fundraising activity conducted or administered during the school day or during class time by school employees or students will be considered a district-sponsored fundraising activity.
The Superintendent and principals will be directly responsible for all types of money-raising activities conducted in the school or sponsored in any manner by the district. All district-sponsored fundraising activities must first be approved by the building principal.
All funds collected from district-sponsored fundraising will be held under the supervision of the superintendent and building principals and deposited in district accounts for safekeeping, regardless of whether the funds are collected from student-contributions, club dues, special events, or result from admission to events or from other fund-raising activities. The district will manage the funds in accordance with good business practices, including sound budgetary and accounting procedures, and will be audited in the same manner as other district funds. The district shall keep a record of sources and expenditures of all funds.
District personnel and students may not be utilized during the school day or during class time by booster clubs, parent groups or other support groups to raise funds that are not directly deposited with, administered and controlled by the district for the direct benefit of district-sponsored activities. However, these groups may make contributions to a district-sponsored activity or seek employee or student assistance in raising funds as long as this assistance does not occur during the school day or during instructional time. The district administration and employees may also work in conjunction with these groups in fundraising activities as long as the activity has been approved by the building principal or Board of Education.
Individuals involved in fundraising activities for purposes other than school sponsored activities may not; use the district’s name or phone number to promote the activity, and may not have fundraising activities at school during school hours or at any school sponsored activities.
All funds raised at school functions or by school sponsored groups will be used exclusively for district groups or activities. Groups or organizations not affiliated with the district are prohibited from having fundraising activities at school sponsored activities. (This does not include such groups as PTC, booster clubs, and project graduation.)
Any group requesting the use of school facilities for the purpose of fundraising must receive approval from the building principal. Non-school affiliated groups may use district facilities twice per calendar year for the purpose of raising funds. Facility use fees will apply to the use of school buildings.