The patrons of the school district have provided the district with facilities for the education of their youth through the support of their tax dollars. It is the responsibility of the Board of Education, administration, professional and support staff members, and students to see that these facilities are cared for, used properly and treated with respect. The superintendent, with the counsel of the administrative staff, will establish procedures for the proper use of school facilities to guard against damage or loss of school property by theft, vandalism or misuse. These procedures will include preventive measures as well as clear steps to follow when school property has been taken or damaged.
The superintendent and the administrative staff will see that all professional and support staff know and respond to the proper procedures for the use and care of school property and report correctly when property has been taken or damaged.
Access to school buildings and grounds outside regular school hours will be granted only to authorized personnel. An adequate key control system shall be established that will prevent the potential entrance of unauthorized persons.
All records of existing or proposed security systems and structural plans for property owned or leased by the district will be considered closed to the extent that disclosure would threaten public safety, as allowed by law. The public interest in nondisclosure outweighs the public interest in disclosure because the disclosure of these records would impair the district’s ability to protect the security or safety or persons or real property.
When special events or activities are scheduled, the principal may request permission from the superintendent to employ special law enforcement services to give extra help in protecting school property.