It is the intent of the Board to abide by the provisions of current copyright and intellectual property laws as they affect the School District and its employees. The Superintendent or designee will create procedures to train employees on the law and monitor district compliance.
Copyrighted materials, whether they are print or non-print, will not be duplicated, reproduced, distributed or displayed for district-sponsored activities or by using district equipment except in accordance with law.
Details about "fair use" and other relevant information regarding copyright law will be made available to all employees. A summary of these standards will be posted or otherwise made easily available at each machine used for making copies.
The Board does not sanction or condone illegal duplication, reproduction or distribution in any form. It is the responsibility of all district staff to notify the superintendent or designee of any potential violation of law or policy. Once notified of a violation, the superintendent or designee will take reasonable steps to remedy the violation. Employees who violate this policy may be disciplined or terminated. Students who violate this policy may be disciplined. All persons who use district resources in violation of law may be prohibited from using district resources in the future and will assume liability for their actions. The district may also seek other legal remedies.
Copyright Infringement Using District Technology
All persons are prohibited from using district technology in violation of any laws including copyright law. Only appropriately licensed programs or software may be used with district technology. Further, no person will use the district’s technology to post, publicize or duplicate information in violation of copyright law. The Board directs the superintendent and/or designee to take all reasonable measures to prevent the use of district technology in violation of the law. All persons using district technology in violation of law may lose their user privileges in addition to other sanctions.
If a content owner reasonably believes that the district’s technology has been used to infringe upon a copyright, the owner is encouraged to notify the following designated agent immediately:
Assistant Superintendent
200 High St.
Park Hills, MO 63601-2594