Cole County R-I


R 4320 Personnel Leave

Sick Leave

Paid Sick Leave - Sick leave may only be used for illness of the staff member or the staff member's immediate family. Immediate family is defined as spouse, parent, grandparent, child, sibling, daughter or son-in-law, grandchild, or non-family residing within the staff member's home. The Superintendent/designee may request a physician's statement regarding an absence and/or verification that the employee may return to work.

Unused Sick Leave - After accumulating the maximum number of sick leave days allowed (ninety (90) total days), professional staff employees will be given the number of allotted days for the current year. Any days unused during the current year over the maximum number allowed will be compensated at 55 percent of substitute teacher pay per day at the end of the fiscal year for any days unused during the current year over the maximum number allowed. Support staff employees shall be compensated at $25.00 per day for any days unused during the current year over the maximum number allowed. 

Tenured professional staff employees upon leaving the district will be paid at the rate of 55 percent of substitute teacher pay per day for accumulated leave days up to the maximum number of leave days allowed. The term tenure is defined for purposes of this Policy as the completion of five (5) consecutive years of full-time service in the district and at least one (1) day of work on the sixth (6th)-year contract period. To receive this benefit an employee must be in good standing upon leaving the district. An employee who has been dismissed by the Board shall not be eligible. In case of death of an employee, the employee’s family will receive payment for unused sick leave at the rate stated above. 

Support staff employees with five (5) consecutive years and one (1) day of full-time service upon leaving the district will be paid at the rate $25.00 per day for accumulated leave days up to the maximum number of leave days allowed. To receive this benefit an employee must be in good standing upon leaving the district. An employee who has been dismissed by the Board shall not be eligible. In case of death of an employee, the employee’s family will receive payment for unused sick leave at the rate stated above. 

A district employee may not use leave during the period the employee receives Workers' Compensation for time lost to work-related incidents. 

Any certificated employee who is a member of a retirement system shall remain a member during any period of leave under leave provisions of the district or under Workers' Compensation. The employee shall also receive creditable service credit for such leave time if the employee makes contributions to the system equal to the amount of contributions that he or she would have made had he or she been on active service status. 

Whenever possible, it is expected that requests for leave will be made in writing to the designated administrator at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the time leave is requested. However, thirty (30) days' notice is required by law if the leave qualifies as FMLA leave and such notice is practical. The administrator will respond promptly to the employee's written request. 

A district employee may not use personal leave days during the period the employee receives Workers' Compensation for time lost to work-related incidents. 

Personal Leave 

The Board shall grant to each professional and support staff employee on a 9-month contract or nine month work calendar thirteen (13) days of leave each school year (July 1-June 30). Employees on a 10-month contract or ten month work calendar will be granted fourteen (14) days of leave each school year (July 1-June 30). Employees on a 12-month contract or twelve month work calendar will be granted sixteen (16) days of leave each school year (July 1-June 30). Leave days on any contract or work calendar less than nine (9) months will be prorated in proportion to the contract or work calendar periods as previously defined. Leave will be awarded when earned. Unused leave will be cumulative to ninety (90) sick leave days. 

Non-Medical leave longer than two (2) consecutive days must have prior approval from building administration. 

Non-Medical consecutive leave may not be taken on the on the first day of school, day before Christmas Break, day after Christmas break, and the last day of school without prior administrative approval.

Employees are not allowed to take no more than five (5) consecutive days of leave at a time and no more than the annual amount awarded by the district without medical documentation evidencing a medical necessity and must abide by the notification requirements set forth above. 

Staff members Employees who are ill are encouraged to stay home to promote healing and reduce the risk of infecting others, especially during a pandemic or other significant health event. In the event of a pandemic or other significant health event, schools may be closed to all staff and students or just students. If schools are closed only to students, staff members are expected to work regular schedules or use appropriate leave. 

Bereavement Leave

The district will provide employees with up to a total of five (5) paid bereavement days each school year (July 1-June 30) to attend the funeral of or to make funeral arrangements for immediate family members.  The district may require written verification of the need for bereavement leave.  Bereavement leave is not accumulative.

The Board defines "immediate” family for purposes of bereavement leave to include:

Domestic/Sexual Violence Victim Leave (See Policy and Regulation 4322). 

Election Leave 

Any employee who is appointed as an election judge pursuant to state law may be absent on any election day for the period of time required by the election authority. The employee must notify the district at least seven (7) days prior to any election in which the employee will serve as an election judge. No employee will be terminated, disciplined, threatened or otherwise subjected to adverse action based on the employee's service as an election judge. 

Leave to Vote 

Employees who do not have three (3) successive hours free from work while the polls are open will be granted a leave period of up to three (3) hours to permit the employees three (3) successive hours while the polls are open for the purpose of voting. Requests for such leave must be made prior to election day, and the employees’ supervisors will designate when during the workday the leave should be taken. Any employee who properly requests leave to vote and uses the leave for that purpose will not be subject to discipline, termination or loss of wages or salary. 

Leave for Jury Duty 

Employees called for jury duty, for participation in the jury selection process, or subpoenaed to testify in a civil or criminal proceeding will be granted leave with pay. Employees will receive their normal pay less any jury or witness fees received. Employees called for jury selection or service on a jury will not be requested or required to use annual vacation, personal leave, or sick leave for time required in such civic service. 

Leave for Court Subpoena 

If the subpoena is directly related to the employee's school duties, the employee will be released for court appearance without loss of leave. Other court appearances will be deducted from leave. 

Firefighter Leave 

Employees will be allowed to use personal, vacation and/or unpaid leave for any time taken to respond to an emergency in the course of performing duties as a volunteer firefighter. For the purposes of this section, "volunteer firefighter" includes members of Missouri-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team, Missouri Task Force One, Urban Search and Rescue Team or those activated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in times of national disaster.

Employees covered under this section shall not be terminated from employment for joining a volunteer fire department or for being absent from or late to work in order to respond to an emergency. Employees shall make every reasonable effort to notify the principal or supervisor if the employee may be absent from or late to work under this section. Employees are required to provide their supervisors with a written statement from the supervisor or acting supervisor of the volunteer fire department stating that the employee responded to an emergency along with the time and date of the emergency. 

Military Leave 

An employee who is a member of the National Guard, or an organized military service of the United States, and who is required by laws of the United States or the State of Missouri to report for military duty, including training, shall be eligible for a grant of military leave. 

Application for military leave shall be made in advance, as soon as practicable after the employee becomes aware of his/her obligation to report and immediately upon the employee's receipt of official notice to report. A copy of the official orders must be added to the leave application. The Superintendent/designee must approve the application. Emergency mobilization orders shall be dealt with on an individual basis. 

The District recognizes that employees who receive notice to report for duty typically are not provided with discretion as to when to report. However, whenever an employee has a choice as to when to report for military duty, the employee's military leave shall be arranged during periods in which school is not in session. When the employee is given a choice as to when to report for duty, the Superintendent/designee may request that the employee seek a change in military orders if such a change appears to be in the best interest of the District. 

Employees shall receive leave with pay for up to one hundred twenty (120) hours of military leave in each federal fiscal year. Additional military leave shall be without pay, except as required by federal and state law. Any person entitled to military leave shall only be charged military leave for any hours which the person would otherwise have been required to work had it not been for such military leave at a minimum of one hour and additional charges will be in multiples of one hour. 

Each employee shall furnish a copy of the employee's military payroll voucher to the Superintendent/designee within thirty (30) days of the employee's return to regular assignment so that the necessary salary adjustments can be made. 

Employee eligibility for reinstatement after military duty is completed shall be determined in accordance with federal and state laws. 

Civil Air Patrol Leave 

Any employee who is a member of Civil Air Patrol and has qualified for a Civil Air Patrol emergency service specialty or who is certified to fly counternarcotics missions shall be granted unpaid leave to perform Civil Air Patrol emergency service duty or counternarcotics missions without loss of time, regular leave or any other rights or benefits in accordance with law. The leave is limited to fifteen (15) working days in any calendar year but is unlimited when responding to a state- or nationally declared emergency in Missouri. The district may request that the employee be exempted from responding to a specific mission. 

Coast Guard Auxiliary Leave 

Employees who are members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary will be granted an unpaid leave of absence for periods during which they are engaged in the performance of United States Coast Guard or United States Coast Guard Auxiliary duties, including travel related to such duties, when authorized by the director of auxiliary or other appropriate United States Coast Guard Authority. Such leaves of absence will be given without loss of time, regular leave or any other rights or benefits to which such employees would otherwise be entitled. The leave is limited to fifteen (15) working days in any calendar year, but is unlimited when responding to a state- or nationally declared emergency in Missouri or upon any navigable waterway within or adjacent to the state of Missouri. The district may request that an employee be exempted from responding to a specific mission. 

Professional Leave of Absence 

Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent/designee and the approval of the Board, an employee of the District may be granted a leave of absence for non-Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) childcare, education, or other good cause. Such leave is renewable upon written request for one (1) additional year only. Application for leave is to be made in writing to the Superintendent/designee via Principal/supervisor and must include the period for which the leave is requested and the reasons for the request. The period should be set to least disrupt the education of students. Requests for leave for an entire school year should normally be made in writing before March 1 of the preceding year. 

If leave is approved by the Board, the employee is not paid for the period of the leave. Insurance benefits may be continued by the employee by making all payments to the Payroll Office, one (1) month in advance. 

Whenever a leave of absence has been granted by the Board to the end of the school year, the employee must notify the Superintendent in writing by the first (1st) day of March of an intention to resume his/her position at the beginning of the next school year. Failure to notify the Superintendent/designee of such intention will be regarded as a resignation. 

Upon completion of an approved leave, provided proper notification is given, a teacher will be re-employed by the District unless placed on involuntary leave of absence if tenured; or, if notified of nonrenewal of contract by April 15 if a probationary teacher. 

If desired, and whenever feasible, the employee will be placed on the same or equivalent position to the one held prior to the approved leave.

NOTE: Leave of absence without pay under the provisions of this regulation does not apply as service towards tenure for probationary teachers. 

Pregnancy, Childbirth and Adoption Leave 

Employees who are ineligible for FMLA leave as set forth in P 4321 and R 4321 may take up to six weeks of leave for the birth, first-year care, adoption or foster care of a child and may use any combination of accrued sick leave, leave, vacation or unpaid leave.

View Policy

Board Approved Date: September 19, 2024
Last Updated: September 2024