General Promotion and Retention Requirements
Third Grade Students
Third grade students who cannot demonstrate a reading level at or above the third grade level will be administered a reading assessment within forty-five (45) days of the end of their third grade year.
If this assessment reflects that the student is reading below the second grade level, the District will design and implement a reading improvement plan for the student's fourth grade year. The reading improvement plan must include a minimum of thirty (30) hours of additional reading instruction or practice outside the regular school day during the fourth grade year. In addition, the District may require the student to attend summer school for reading instruction as a condition of promotion to the fourth grade.
Fourth Grade Students with Reading Improvement Plans
Within forty-five (45) days of the conclusion of the fourth grade year, the District shall administer another reading assessment to those fourth grade students for whom reading improvement plans had been designed.
If this assessment reveals that the student is reading below a third grade level, the student shall be required to attend summer school to receive supplemental reading instruction. At the conclusion of summer school, the student shall be given another reading assessment. If the student is still reading below third grade level, the student shall not be promoted to fifth grade.
Students shall not be retained more than once on the basis of their inability to satisfy the third grade or fourth grade reading standards. However, the District may, at its discretion, retain any student with a reading improvement plan who has not completed summer school for supplemental reading instruction.
Fifth and Sixth Grade Students
The reading assessment process shall be repeated on a yearly basis through the end of students' sixth grade years, accompanied by a corresponding increase in the required reading level.
The reading assessment process will also be applied to students who initially enter the District in grades four, five or six and who have been determined to be reading below grade level.
The permanent record of students who are determined to be reading below the fifth grade level at the end of the sixth grade shall carry a notation stating that the student has been unable to meet the minimal reading standards. That notation will be removed from the student's record once the District determines that he or she has met the standards.
The following students are exempt from the reading assessments:
Appeal of Retention Decisions
Parents/guardians who wish to appeal a decision regarding a student's retention must first contact the building principal. If parents/guardians do not accept the decision at the building level, an appeal may be made in writing to the Superintendent. All appeals must be requested within two (2) weeks after the close of school.