Delta C-7


R 6325 Artificial Intelligence

Staff Use of AI

Teachers and staff should integrate technology tools that benefit the educational process. Integrating artificial intelligence tools in K-12 education can:

Teachers should guide students on the appropriate use of AI in assignments utilizing the levels listed below. When a teacher suspects a student has used AI in a manner that contradicts the District's academic honesty policy, the student and any documentation should be referred to the school administrator.

Levels of AI Use


AI Assisted

AI Enhanced

AI Empowered

Fairness and Transparency

Emerging technologies such as Al require the application of ethical standards that align with the District's mission and values. Technologies cannot be used to cause harm or discriminate against any student or group of students. Users of Al must exercise caution regarding potential bias in generated content.

Using Al for high-stakes decisions, such as determining a student's academic progression, grading or disciplinary actions, without human oversight, is inappropriate. AI should support, not replace, the professional judgment of educators.

Student Use of Al

Students must learn to engage with AI technologies responsibly, ethically and effectively in order to enhance their learning experiences while safeguarding their privacy and well-being. The use of AI tools without the express consent of the teacher undermines the learning and problem-solving skills that are essential to academic success. Students are encouraged to develop their own knowledge, skills and understanding of course material rather than relying solely on AI tools and they should ask their teachers when they have questions and/or need assistance.

Responsible student use of AI includes:

The responsible use of AI by students in the K-12 educational setting is essential for fostering a safe, ethical and productive learning environment. By adhering to policy and regulation, students will be better equipped to leverage Al technologies for their educational advancement while respecting the norms and values of the school community.

This policy will be reviewed regularly to adapt to evolving technologies and educational needs, ensuring that AI remains a positive and powerful tool for learning and development in the District.


The District will train all employees and students on the requirements of this policy, other District policies regarding data management and privacy, and acceptable uses of AI and AI prohibitions.


Individuals who have a concern about the safety or effectiveness of approved Al products should report the concern to the building principal, who will work with District administration to investigate the matter and take steps to resolve the concern.

Individuals who suspect AI misuse or are aware of AI use that is potentially harmful or otherwise violates the law or District policies or procedures must report the matter to the building principal.

The principal wi1l notify District administration of the allegations and work together to investigate the alleged misuse or harm. Failure to report known misuse could result in student suspension or employee termination.

View Policy

Board Approved Date: December 12, 2024
Last Updated: November 2024