Fairfax R-III


P 2656 Student Cell Phone Usage

Developments in cell phone technology in recent years have resulted in enhanced communication opportunities.  However, the use of cell phones in schools poses increasing risks of school disruptions, bullying, criminal activity, and academic dishonesty.  As a result, beginning with the 2008-09 school year, student cell phones, digital cameras and similar electronic devices will be banned during the instructional day, as well as, in dressing areas during extracurricular activities. 

Cell phones will not be allowed to be used in the school buildings during the normal school day, 8:05 A.M. – 3:10 P.M.  Students may bring cell phones to the high school office to be locked up during the day and retrieve them at the end of the day.  Students may also lock such items up in their locker during the school day. Students are not to have cell phones on their person during the school day.  If a teacher sees any such item they will be confiscated.  Phones are not to be out for any reason during the day.  If the item is seen, it will be taken, no exceptions.  Confiscated phones will be kept in the office and may be retrieved by a parent/guardian from the principal between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. during the regular school day.  Students who are caught with cell phones are subject to further disciplinary action.

Parents may apply to the building principal to obtain a hardship exception.  In such cases, the student’s cell phone must be retained in the principal’s office.  Students granted a hardship may visit the office to use their cell phone for approved purposes.  Telephones are also available in school offices for parents to contact their student for legitimate reasons. 

Violation of this policy during the first semester after adoption of this policy will result in in-school suspension, while second offenses will result in out-of-school suspension being imposed.  After the first semester 2008-09, out-of-school suspensions will be imposed on the first and subsequent offenses. 

Board Approved Date: February, 2015
Last Updated: March 2015