Fairfax R-III


P 4310 General Attendance

Regular attendance is essential in providing District students with a high quality of instruction. Eligible certificated staff will have available 10 days of sick leave per school year cumulative to 90 days. Eligible support employees have available 10 days of sick leave per year cumulative to 70 days.

When employees are absent more than 10 days in any semester or more than 10 days per school year, their absence is considered excessive. The Superintendent/designee will review each incident of excessive absence and may require the employee to provide medical documentation or may consider disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

Payment for Unused Sick Leave

After two years of service, when full-time employees voluntarily leave the employment of the district, they shall be compensated for unused sick leave days at a rate of $10.00 per day up to a maximum accumulated.  The value of accumulated sick leave of deceased employees will be assigned to their heirs.  A full-time employee who would accumulate more than 90 days, and therefore lose the excess days, will be paid $10.00 per day for each day over 90 days at the beginning of the new school year but not before September.  (Example:  At the end of the year an employee had accumulated 85 days, the next year the employee would accumulate five days and be paid for five days keeping the total accumulated days at 90).                                                                                                                                                           

Board Approved Date: May, 2014
Last Updated: April 2015