Fairfax R-III


P 2315 Student Attendance - Excused Absences

In accordance with Missouri state law, the District recognizes that the Future Farmers of America Organization (FFA), Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), 4-H programs, and organized competitions held as part of the Missouri state fair involve important education and learning processes and are beneficial to District students. Due to the nature of these organizations, students will occasionally need to miss school time in order to fully participate and benefit from the programs sponsored by these organizations. Accordingly, students who miss school time during the regular school day due to participation in officially sanctioned activities of the Future Farmers of America Organization (FFA), Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), 4-H, and competitions held as part of the Missouri state fair, shall receive an excused absence and shall be considered to be attending regularly scheduled instruction during such times of absence. Up to days of school days for participation in such activities will be excused by the District per school year for each student.

If a leader of one of the above referenced organizations or the parent of a student participating in the Missouri state fair anticipates that a student will miss school time due to participation in an activity for such organization, the leader/parent shall let the building principal know with as much notice as possible prior to the event and receive his/her approval of the activity and for missed school time. Time missed by students participating in an activity of such programs shall be included in the district’s calculation of average daily attendance as defined by Missouri law. Students who miss school time due to participation in an approved activity as set forth in this policy, will be expected to make up all school work missed during their absence.

Board Approved Date: November 2016
Last Updated: November 2016