Fairfax R-III


P 2270 Migrant Students

The Board of Education is committed to the identification, needs assessment and enrollment of migrant students living within the District.  The District's Coordinator of Programs for Homeless Students is also responsible for implementation and maintenance of the District's program for migrant students. (See also Policy 6274 – Instruction for Migrant Students.)

The Board of Education directs the administration to screen students, as required by law, to assist the state in identifying migratory children. If the District becomes aware of any student who might be a migrant student, the superintendent or designee will notify the state director of migrant education, as designated by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), so that the student may be formally recognized as a migrant student.

The administration will develop written administrative procedures for ensuring that migrant students, once identified, receive services for which they are eligible. In developing and implementing a program to address the needs of migratory children, the District will:

  1. Screen students and assess the educational and related health and social needs of each student identified as migrant.
  2. Provide a full range of services to migrant students, including applicable Title I programs, special education, gifted education, career or technical education, language programs, counseling programs, elective classes, fine arts classes, etc.
  3. Provide migratory children with the opportunity to meet the same statewide assessment standards that all children are expected to meet.
  4. To the extent feasible, provide advocacy and outreach programs to migratory children and their families and professional development for district staff.
  5. Provide parents/guardians an opportunity for meaningful participation in the program.

View Regulation

Board Approved Date: March 16, 2017
Last Updated: January 2017