Fairfax R-III


P 0410 Meetings


The regular meeting of the Board shall be held on the Third Thursday in each month, at the hour of 6:30 p.m., except when a majority of the Board agrees in advance and public notice is given. Public meetings may be conducted in person or by conference call, video chats, Internet conferences, e-mails and Internet message board.


Special meetings may be held at the time set by the Board or on the call of the Board president or a majority of the Board. (Not less than twenty-four (24) hours written notice, stating the time and place of the meeting and the business to be considered, will be given to each member.) Simultaneously with the giving of notice of such meeting to the members of the Board, a written notice of the meeting and the matters to be considered will be posted in the same manner as postings for regular Board meetings.

Quorum and Majority Vote

The presence of a majority of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. However, the letting of contracts, employment of personnel, approval of bills for payment and the ordering of warrants require an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board.

Closed Meetings

The Board may vote to conduct closed executive sessions as provided for in Policy 0430 - Executive Sessions. In order to enter into executive session, such motion must be approved by a roll call majority vote. The motion to enter executive session must reference the specific statutory matters to be discussed.

Any Board member may object to the closing of a meeting, record or vote if the member believes the motion to close violates the Sunshine Law; such member(s) must object at or before the motion to close is voted upon and must vote against closing. The member(s) shall be allowed to fully participate in any subsequent meeting or vote. The objecting member(s) shall be immune from any liability for improper closure of a meeting.

Recording of Board Meetings

The open sessions of Board meetings may be audio or video taped. The Board has adopted guidelines set forth in Regulation 0410 to minimize the potential disruptive effect of such recordings.

Firearms and Weapons

Possession of firearms and weapons are prohibited from all school premises and school activities. This prohibition specifically applies to meetings and activities of the Board of Education and applies to all attendees, including members of the Board. The firearm prohibition includes permitted weapons. (See also Policy 1432 - Prohibition Against Firearms and Weapons.)

View Regulation

Board Approved Date: February 18, 2015
Last Updated: January 2003