Fairfax R-III


P 0311 Statement of Practices


Members shall attend all regularly scheduled Board of Education meetings insofar as possible. Any member failing to attend the meeting of the Board for three (3) consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by a majority of the Board for reasons satisfactory to the Board, shall be deemed to have vacated the seat; and the secretary of the Board shall certify that fact to the Board. The vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies occurring in the Board. Attendance for purposes of this provision shall be defined as actual, physical attendance at the Board meeting until all of the business of the Board has been completed unless a member is excused by a majority of the Board.  However, Board members may participate fully via teleconferencing.  If the Board meeting is required due to a bona fide emergency and if the emergency is stated on the record, Board members may also participate in roll call votes by other electronic means, including telephone.


Members shall come to Board of Education meetings informed concerning the issues to be considered.


Members shall avoid abstaining except when required by statute or Board policy. The members of the Board have been elected to make difficult decisions on behalf of the students, parents, patrons and employees of the district. The concept of trusteeship requires each member to review the issues under the Board's consideration and to take a stand regarding those issues. A member who has conformed to the above-described tenets of knowledge, open discussion, independent judgment, and independent and civility should be prepared to cast a vote on each of the issues before that member.


Members shall work with other Board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the schools to the Superintendent. Members shall not attempt to by-pass, undermine, or usurp the Superintendent's authority and responsibility for the daily operation of the schools.

Conflict of Interest (Refer to Policy and Regulation 0342 – Nepotism, Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure)

Members shall avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest and shall not use the Board position for personal or partisan gain. Members shall conduct themselves in accordance with the conflict-of-interest policy and disclosure requirements prescribed by statute and Board policy.


Members shall not disclose confidential information. Information is confidential if it is (a) communicated during executive session; or (b) otherwise communicated with a mutual understanding of confidentiality.

Acceptance of Gifts

Members shall not solicit or accept gifts, payments, or anything greater than a nominal value item or holiday gifts of nominal value from any person, organization, group, or entity doing business or desiring to do business with the School District.

Contact with Vendors

Members, if contacted by a vendor requesting information about the District's bidding procedures, whether of a general nature or with regard to specific goods or services to be bid, shall provide the vendor with the name and business telephone number of the administrator responsible for purchasing such goods or services. The member shall request that the vendor contact the relevant administrator and direct all questions and concerns to that administrator.

Board Communications to Staff

All official communications, policies, and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the Superintendent, and the Superintendent will employ such media as are appropriate to keep the staff fully informed of the Board's concerns and actions.

Visits to Schools

Individual Board members who, in their parental capacity, wish to visit the school(s) or classroom(s) of their child(ren) will follow the regular procedures for visitors. Board members who wish to visit other schools or classrooms as an informal expression of interest in school affairs will inform the Superintendent who will arrange such visit(s) through appropriate principal(s). Official visits by Board members will be conducted only with the full knowledge of the Superintendent and principal(s) involved.

Educational Welfare

Members shall remember always that the first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the School District.

Board Approved Date: June 17, 2021
Last Updated: March 2021