Fairfax R-III


R 6251 Blind Students Independence, Training and Education

IEP and IFSP Plans

Instruction in Braille reading and writing will be offered to enable each blind or visually impaired student to communicate effectively and efficiently at a level commensurate with the student’s age and with the student’s nondisabled peers of comparable intellectual ability.

The affected student’s IEP or IFSP shall specify:

  1. Results obtained from evaluation of the student’s reading and writing skills, needs and appropriate reading and writing media including appropriateness of Braille instruction based on vision loss due to a degenerative medical diagnosis.
  2. How Braille will be implemented.
  3. Length of period of instruction and frequency and duration of each instructional session as determined by the IEP team.
  4. Level of competency in Braille reading and writing to be achieved.
  5. How accessible assistive technology will be implemented through integration with other activities.
  6. Level of mastery of the accessible assistive technology to be achieved by the end of the period.
  7. Acknowledgement that the assistive technology may be only transported without need for payment or other cost.
  8. Provision of duplicative assistive technology at home without cost to the family.
  9. Level of mastery of orientation and mobility skills.

Use and provision of Braille materials for reading and writing shall be addressed in appropriate §504 Plans to support programs in the general education curriculum.  Use and provision of assistive technology will be addressed in the student’s §504 plan as will orientation and mobility equipment.

Assistive Technology

Each blind or visually impaired student will receive instruction in assistive technology as part of their IEP or IFSP plan unless determined to be inappropriate by the IEP or IFSP team.  Instruction will include grade-level instruction with appropriate technology mediated learning environment and skills to perform at the same level as comparable peers.

Orientation and Mobility

Each blind or visually impaired student will receive instruction in orientation and mobility as part of their IEP unless determined not to be appropriate.  No student will be denied such instruction because the student has some vision. Affected students shall receive orientation and mobility training to equip the student with age-appropriate tools, techniques and non-visual skills to navigate in or around their home, schools, communities and other applicable environments.  The District will not impose any preclusions or limitations on a student to receive orientation and mobility services.  An orientation and mobility evaluation will be made by an individual appropriately certified by the National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB) or through the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP) or who holds a nationally recognized certification.  Such evaluation will occur in familiar and unfamiliar environments, daytime, nighttime, and around home, school and community.

Braille Teachers

Educators hired to teach Braille shall be certified teachers of students with visual impairments, hold a current and valid National Certification in Unified English Braille working under the supervision of a reading specialist.

Educators hired to teach accessible assistive technology will be certified teachers of student with visual impairments, hold a valid and current Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist for people with visual impairments or hold a current National Certification in Access Technology for the Blind or other nationally recognized certificates.

Specialists hired to teach orientation and mobility will hold current National Orientation and Mobility Certificates or hold current Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist Certificates or other nationally recognized certificates.

The District will obtain proof of currently available certified professionals from any company, agency, or individual with whom the District intends to contract for services.

Program Facilitation

The District may require annual written parental consent to conduct instruction when services are provided before or after school hours or when services are provided away form the student’s school or residence.

The District may approve the mode of transportation utilized by the instructor to transport affected students or may provide an equally effective transportation alternative.  If transportation is provided by the student’s parent, the District will reimburse the appropriate expense.

To the extent possible, the District will eliminate common barriers experienced by blind or visually impaired students, parents, educators and staff.

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Board Approved Date: September 15, 2022
Last Updated: August 2022