Fairfax R-III


R 2250 Admission of Exchange Students

This regulation sets forth the procedural requirements for admission of foreign exchange visitor students to the District.

  1. The sponsoring organization shall not place a student in the high school without first contacting the principal and obtaining his/her approval for the admission of the student.
  2. Students will be accepted on a space-available basis. No more than four foreign students from a given program and no more than two of the same nationality may be placed in the high school at one time.
  3. Representatives of the foreign exchange program must provide active supervision and support to their participating students including responsibility for resolving problems including, if necessary, the changing of host families and the early return home of the exchange student because of personal or family difficulties.
  4. Placement of the student in the high school should be arranged at least five weeks in advance of the student's departure from the student's native country. In any event, such placement must be made before the student's arrival in the United States.
  5. The host family should be familiar with, and transmit to the school, information about the student's interests and general behavior, and provide the student's school record in English or translatable form.
  6. The foreign exchange student must abide by the rules and regulations of the high school regarding attendance, discipline, school work, etc.
  7. The principal will check to see whether:
    1. Orientation, both pre-departure and upon arrival in the United States, has been provided to the exchange students. The orientation is to be designed to give the students basic information about the United States, its people, family and school life, and the nature of the program in which they are participating.
    2. Orientation has been provided to host families at least five weeks prior to the student's arrival in the United States.
    3. Each visiting student and host family has been provided with a copy of the Department of State's Criteria for Exchange Visitor Programs.
    4. The representative has made sure the student has appropriate health, accident and liability insurance.
    5. Students are provided with an identification card with address and telephone numbers of the sponsoring organization and the Facilitative Services Staff, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and Department of State.
  8. Diplomas may be issued to exchange students when both the District graduation requirements and the student's home school requirements have been met. Students are entitled to participate in all senior activities, including the graduation ceremony, with or without the diploma.
  9. District students should be recommended by the local units of exchange visitor programs for reciprocal privileges and responsibilities.

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Board Approved Date: February 18, 2015
Last Updated: January 2003