Fairfax R-III


R 4840 Conflict of Interest

The prohibition against conflicts and apparent conflicts of interest includes but is not limited to:

  1. Employees shall not engage in or have a substantial interest in furnishing of real or personal property, commodity, equipment, supplies or services to the District either directly or through an outside representative, except as provided in this paragraph. A substantial interest includes ownership by the employee, the employee's spouse or a member of the employee's household of 10% or more of a business entity or annual receipt by the employee, employee's spouse, or member of the employee's household of $1,000 or more in salary or other remuneration from a business entity. A business entity in which a District employee has a substantial interest may do business with the District provided competitive bids are obtained and the lowest bid is accepted.

  2. Employees shall not make use of mailing lists or other information gained solely as a result of the employee's position with the District to either sell directly or indirectly services or merchandise to students or their parents who reside within the District. As provided by Board policy, this prohibition does not apply to student tutoring.

  3. Employees shall not solicit or receive any payment or thing of value which might influence performance of the employee's duties.

  4. Employees shall not disclose to any person, not otherwise entitled, information gained by virtue of the employee's duties or otherwise use such information for personal gain.

  5. Employees shall not engage in outside employment which interferes with performance of the employee's duties. This prohibition includes outside employment which is performed during school hours or involves the use of school resources.

If an employee is in doubt concerning whether certain acts violate this regulation, the employee must seek an opinion from the Superintendent.

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Board Approved Date: March 19, 2015
Last Updated: January 2003